MU Information Technology (Semester 8)
Gaming Architecture & Programming
May 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Discuss the contents of game design document.
5 M
1 (b) What is the need for good architecture design.
5 M
1 (c) What are the tools for game development.
5 M
1 (d) Describe a recommended directory structure for starting a project.
5 M

2 (a) What are the steps followed in creating the game specifications.
10 M
2 (b) Explain Re-usability in software.
10 M

3 (a) What are Research goals and Research resources.
10 M
3 (b) Explain Re-usability in software.
10 M

4 (a) Explain implicit invocation architecture style.
10 M
4 (b) Explain the seven golden principles of effective design.
10 M

5 (a) What are smart pointers? Explain Shared_ptr and weak_ptr with an example.
10 M
5 (b) Explain the popular source control actions.
10 M

6 (a) What are user interface components? Explain the different ways of user interface.
10 M
6 (b) Explain the properties required in a sprite class for animation.
10 M

Write short notes on any four of the following:-
7 (a) Stage 1 for game loop
5 M
7 (b) Resource file structure
5 M
7 (c) Lex and Yacc
5 M
7 (d) 3D graphics pipeline
5 M
7 (e) Scene node
5 M

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