SPPU Computer Engineering (Semester 4)
Microprocessor and Interfacing Techniques
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Compare 8086,80386 and 17 processor on the basis of architectural features.
4 M
1(b) List the differences between asa and exe
4 M
1(c) List and explain 80386 bus cycles required to fetch and execute the instructions D4 AX, ac, H.
4 M

2( b) Draw and explain IVT.
4 M
2(a) Explain been
4 M
2(c) Write initialization instruction for 8259 to meet the following specifications:
i) Interrupt type 64
ii) Level triggered,
Single, ICW4 needed.
4 M

3(a) Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchoronous serial communication.
3 M
3(b) Explain in brief port structure of 8255 PPL.
5 M
3(c) What are different sources of errors in DAC?
4 M

4(a) Prepare a control word to initialize 8279 in the following given keyboard /display mode :
i) 16 ,8 bit character left entry
ii) Decoded scan a-key rollover.
4 M
4(b) Give the control word format for 8253/8254.
4 M
4(c) Explain with a neat diagram sequence of DMA operation.
4 M

5(a) Draw and explain maximum mode configuration of 8086.
7 M
5(b) Write notes on the following supporting chips :
i) 8384
ii) 8286
iii) 8288.
6 M

6(a) Draw and discuss the interface between 8086 and 8087.
6 M
6(b) Explain the data format for 8087 NDP in brief.
6 M

7(a) Draw and explain block diagram of Intel Core i5.
7 M
7(b) Explain the features of 82801 LJR I/O Controller Hub.
6 M

8(a) Draw and explain block diagram of x58 chip set.
7 M
8(b) Write a short note on Serial ATA controller and QJP Technology.
6 M

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