With neat sketch, explain the various types precipitation.
8 M
What is Rain gauge? Explain with neat sketch, working principle of Symon's non recording gauge and its demerits.
8 M
Raingauge station "X" did not function for a part of a month during which a storm occurred. The storm produced rainfalls of 84, 70 and 96mm at three surrounding stations A, B and C respectively. The normal annual rainfalls at the stations "X", A, B and C are respectively 770, 882, 736 and 944 mm. Estimate the missing storm rainfall at station "X".
4 M
Define Evaporation. With a neat sketch, explain measurement of evaporation using I.S. class "A" pan.
8 M
What is Infiltration? Explain the measurement of infiltration using double rising Infiltrometer (with a neat sketch).
8 M
The rates of rainfall for the successive 30min period of a 3-hour storm are 1.6, 3.6, 5.0, 2.8, 2.2, 1.0 cm/hr. The corresponding surface runoff is estimated to be 3.6cm. Establish the ϕ - Index. Also determine the W - Index.
4 M
Define Unit Hydrograph. Explain the assumptions made in deriving the unit hydrograph.
8 M
Write brief note on Base Flow Separation.
4 M
The Ordinates of a 3 hour unit hydrograph are given below.
Find the ordinates of a 6 hour unit hydrograph for the basin, analytically. What is the peak value of discharge in this unit hydrograph?
Time in hr | 0 | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 15 | 18 | 21 | 24 | 27 | 30 |
Ordinates m3/sec | 0 | 10 | 25 | 20 | 16 | 12 | 9 | 7 | 5 | 3 | 0 |
Find the ordinates of a 6 hour unit hydrograph for the basin, analytically. What is the peak value of discharge in this unit hydrograph?
8 M
What do you mean by the term flood? Mention the factors affecting flood. Explain any two of them.
8 M
Mention any two empirical formulae used to estimate the flood (briefly explain).
4 M
Differentiate between Channel routing and Reservoir routing.
4 M
Define the term Irrigation. What are the necessity of irrigation?
6 M
With neat sketches, explain Bandhara Irrigation. List its advantages of disadvantages.
8 M
List benefits and ill efffects of irrigation.
6 M
List and explain in brief Common Indian Soils generally encountered.
8 M
With neat sketch, explain soil moisture presence in different zones.
6 M
The following data pertains to healthy growth of a crop:
i) Field capacity of soil = 30% ii) Permanent wilting point %age = 11%
iii) Density of soil = 1300 kg/m3 iv) Effective depth of root zone = 700mm
v) Daily consumptive use of water = 12mm.
For healthy growth moisture content must not fall below 25% of water holding capacity between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point. Determine the water Interval in days.
i) Field capacity of soil = 30% ii) Permanent wilting point %age = 11%
iii) Density of soil = 1300 kg/m3 iv) Effective depth of root zone = 700mm
v) Daily consumptive use of water = 12mm.
For healthy growth moisture content must not fall below 25% of water holding capacity between the field capacity and the permanent wilting point. Determine the water Interval in days.
6 M
Define "Duty" and "Delta" and also write their relationship. What are the factors on which duty depends?
8 M
Explain any four methods of assessment of Irrigation water.
4 M
The base Period, Intensity if Irrigation and duty of water for various crops under a canal system are given in the Table below. Determine the reservoir capacity if the culturable commanded area is 40,000 hectares, canal losses are 20% and reservoir losses are 10%.
Crop |
Base period (days) |
Duty of water at the field (hectares/cumec) |
Intensity of Irrigation (percentage) |
Wheat | 120 | 1800 | 20 |
Sugarcane | 360 | 1700 | 20 |
Cotton | 180 | 1400 | 10 |
Rice | 120 | 800 | 15 |
Vegetables | 120 | 700 | 15 |
8 M
Define Canals. Explain beiefly classification based on discharge and relative importance in a given network of canals.
8 M
Explain various considerations for alignment of a canal.
8 M
Write short notes on:
i) Critical velocity ratio ii) Regime channel.
i) Critical velocity ratio ii) Regime channel.
4 M
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