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VTU Civil Engineering (Semester 5)
Hydrology & Irrigation Engineering
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Explain Horton's qualitative representation of hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch.
8 M
1(b) Explain with a neat sketch, Simon's rain gauge.
6 M
1(c) A precipitation station X was inoperative for some time during which a torm occurred. At three stations A,B and C surrounding station X, the total precipitation recorded during this strom are 75mm, 58mm, and 47 mm respectively. The normal annual precipitation amounts at X, A B and C are respectively 757 mm, 826mm, 618mm and 482 mm. Estimate the storm precipitation at X.
6 M

2(a) Describe the method of determining infiltration capacity using a double ring infiltrometer.
6 M
2(b) Enlist the factors affecting evapotranspiration.
6 M
2(c) The total observed runoff volume during a 6hr-storm with a uniform intensity of of 1.50 cm/hr is 21.6×106m3. If the area of the basin is 350km2, find the average infiltration rate for the basin.
8 M

3(a) Explain a typical single peaked hydrograph compnents with a neat sketch.
6 M
3(b) What are the assumptions made in unit hydrograph theory?
6 M
3(c) Find the ordinates of a flood hydrograph resulting from a storm with rainfalls of 2.50, 6.85 and 3.75 cm each during successive 3 hours. The ordinates of a 3 hour UHG are given below.
Time (hours) 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
UHG ordinates(cumec) 0 115 370 510 395 315 252 231 172 127 96 64 43 25 12 0
Assume an initial loss of 5mm, infiltration index, &phi=2.5mm/hr, Base flow = 12 curnec.
8 M

4(a) What is flood? What are the factors that affect flood?
6 M
4(b) List out various methods for estimation of design flood, Explain rational method of flood estimation.
6 M
4(c) Explain Muskingum's routing method for hydrologic channel routing.
8 M

5(a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of irrigation?
8 M
5(b) Enlist the various factors affecting the choice of method irrigation.
4 M
5(c) List out the advantages of sprinker irrigation and drip irrigation
8 M

6(a) Write a note on a soil classification.
6 M
6(b) What are the different techniques to be adopted to maintain soil fertility?
6 M
6(c) Write a note on India soils.
8 M

7(a) What are the different methods adopted to improve duty of water?
6 M
7(b) Write note on assessment of irrigation water.
6 M
7(c) After how many days will you supply water to soil ( clay loam in order to ensure efficient irrigation of the given crop, if
i) Field capacity of soil = 27%
ii) Permanent wilting point = 14%
iii) Density of soil = 15 kN/m3
iv) Effective depth of root zone = 75 mm
v) Daily consumptive use of water for a given crop = 11mm.
8 M

8(a) Write a note on canal classification.
6 M
8(b) What are the consideration made during alignment of canals?
6 M
8(c) Design a trapezoidal canal by Kennedy's theory with side slope 1:1 in alluvial soil to carry a discharge of 30 m3/sec in bed slope of 1 in 5000. Rugosity coefficient of Kutter is 0.0225, CVR=1.
8 M

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