1 (a)
Compare open loop and closed loop control system and give one practical example of each.
6 M
1 (b)
For the system shown in below, write mechanical network and obtain its mathematical model.
6 M
1 (c)
For the system shown in below, Write its mechanical network and obtain mathematical model and electrical analogue based on force-current analogy.
8 M
2 (a)
Define transfer function and what are its properties.
5 M
2 (b)
Obtain the transfer function for the block diagram shown in below, using block diagram reduction method.
7 M
2 (c)
For the block diagram, given in below, obtain overall transfer function using Mason's gain formula.
8 M
3 (a)
Draw the time response curve and define time domain specifications, for second order C.S. for unit step i/p.
6 M
3 (b)
A unity feedback control system is given by an open-loop transfer function, G(s)=Ks(s+10) i) The value of K for ?=0.5
For this value of K tr=? and Mp=? for unit step input.
For this value of K tr=? and Mp=? for unit step input.
6 M
3 (c)
The open loop transfer function of servo system with unity feedback is given by G(s)=10s(0.ls+1) Find out static error constant and obtain steady state error when subjected to an i/p of r(t)=A0+A1t+A22t2
8 M
4 (a)
Explain RH stability criterion used for finding of stability of control systems.
6 M
4 (b)
Find the range of K for the system to be stable using RH criterion G(s)H(s)=k(1−s)s(s2+5s+9)
6 M
4 (c)
Investigation stability of the system given by characteristics equation
8 M
A feedback control system has an open loop transfer function G(s)H(s)=Ks(s+3)(S2+2s+2) Draw the root locus as K varies from 0-to-?
20 M
6 (a)
Define the following terms:
i) Resonant peak
ii) Resonant frequency
iii) Band width
iv) Cut off frequency
i) Resonant peak
ii) Resonant frequency
iii) Band width
iv) Cut off frequency
4 M
6 (b)
Sketch the bode plot for the transfer function 300(s2+2s+4)s(s+10)(s+20)
13 M
6 (c)
Write a note about gain margin in brief.
3 M
7 (a)
Plot the polar plot for the transfer function given G(s)=1s(Ts+1)
8 M
7 (b)
State Nyquist stability criterion verify stability of the system described below:
12 M
8 (a)
Obtain the state model for the electrical system given below. Take e1(t), e2(t) as i/p variables and voltage across R as o/p variables.
8 M
8 (b)
List out the properties of STM.
5 M
8 (c)
Obtain the state transition matrix for a system matrix given by A=[01−2−3]
7 M
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