What are the properties of good control system?
4 M
What are the properties of good control system?
4 M
Construct mathematical model for the mechanical system shown in Fig. Q1(b). Then draw electrical equivalent circuit based on F-V analogy.
8 M
Construct mathematical model for the meachanical system shown in Fig. Q1(b). Then draw electrical equivalent circuit based on F-V analogy.
8 M
For electrical system shown in Fig. Q1(C), obtain transfer function V2(s)/V1(s).
8 M
For electrical system shown in Fig. Q1(C), obtain transfer function V2(s)/V1(s).
8 M
List the features function for the block diagram shown in Fig. Q2(b), using block diagram reduction method.
8 M
List the features of transfer function.
4 M
Obtain the transfer function for the block diagram shown in Fig. Q2(b), using block diagram reduction method.
8 M
For the electrical circuit shown in Fig. Q2(c), obtain over all transfer function using Mason's gain formula.
8 M
For the electrical circuit shown in Fig. Q2(c), obtain over all transfer function using Mason's gain formula.
8 M
What are static error coefficients? Derive expression for the same.
6 M
What are static error coefficients? Derive expression for the same.
6 M
An unity feedback system has calculate its steady state error co-efficients when the applied input r(t) = 40 + 2t + 5t2.
6 M
An unity feedback system has calculate its steady state error coefficients when the applied input r(t) = 40 + 2t + 5t2.
6 M
A R-L-C series circuit is an example of second order function. If R = 1 Ω, α = 1H and C = 1F, find response for a step voltage of 10 V connected as input and output across R.
8 M
A R-L-C series circuit is an example of second order function. If R = 1Ω, α = 1H and C = 1F, find response for a step voltage of 10V connected as input and output across R.
8 M
List the advantages and disadvantages of Routh's criterion (R-H-criterion).
4 M
List the advantages and disadvantages of Routh's criterion (R-H-criterion).
4 M
A unity feedback control system has Using Routh's criterion calculates the range of k for which the system is i) stable ii) has closed loop poles more negative than -1.
10 M
A unity feedback control system has Using Routh's criterion calculated the range of k for which the system is i) stable ii) has closed loop poles more negative than-1.
10 M
Find the range of k for which the system, whose characteristic equation is given below is stable. F(s) = s3 + (k + 0.5) s2 + 4ks + 50.
6 M
Find the range of k for which the system, whose characteristic equation is given below is stable. F(s) = s3 + (k+0.5)s2 + 4ks + 50.
6 M
Sketch the root locus for unity feedback having Determine the range of k for the system stability.
16 M
Sketch the root locus for unity feedback having Determine the range of k for the system stability.
16 M
Explain how to determine angle of arrival from poles and zeros to complex zeros.
4 M
Explain how to determine angle of arrival form poles and zeros to complex zeros.
4 M
What are the limitations of frequency response methods?
4 M
What are the limitations of frequency response methods?
4 M
A control system having draw bode plot, with k = 4 and find gain margin and phase margin.
16 M
A control system having draw bode plot, with k = 4 and find gain margin and phase margin.
16 M
What is polar plot? Explain procedure to sketch polar plot for type 0 and type 1 systems.
8 M
What is polar plot? Explain procedure to sketch polar for type 0 and type 1 systems.
8 M
Sketch the Nyquist plot of a unit feedback control system having the open loop transfer function Determine the stability of the system using Nyquist stability criterion.
12 M
Sketch the Nyquist plot of a unit feedback control system having the open loop transfer function Determine the stability of the system using Nyquist stability criterion.
12 M
Find the transfer function for a system having state model as given below :
8 M
Find the transfer function for a system having state model as given below :
8 M
Obtain the state model for the electrical system given in Fig. Q8(b) choosing the state variables as i1(t), i2(t) and VC(t).
12 M
Obtain the state model for the electrical system given Fig. Q8(b) choosing the state variables as i1(t), i2(t) and Vc(t).
12 M
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