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VTU Civil Engineering (Semester 5)
Transport Engineering 1
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Explain various characteristics of road transport.
6 M
1(b) Determine the length of different categories of road in a state in India by 2001 plan. Total area of the state is 80,000km2, total number of towns as per 1981 census is 86. Calculate the length of primary, secondary and tertiary road network.
8 M
1(c) Explain briefly the following: i) Indian Roads Congress (IRC)
ii) Central Road Fund.
6 M

2(a) Define saturation system of road planning.
6 M
2(b) List the factros affecting realignment of a project(highway).
6 M
2(c) Three new roads A,B and C are to be completed in a district a five year plan period. Using the data given below in a table, work out the order of priority for phasing the plan programme by the principle of maximum utility per unit length. Assume the data suitably.
    No.of  villages  served population Productivity, 1000 ton
Road length  in km <2000 2000-5000 >5000 Agriculture  Industrial
A 15 10 8 3 15 1.2
B 12 16 3 1 11 0.0
C 18 20 10 2 20 0.8
8 M

3(a) Explain obligatory points. With a neat sketches discuss how these control the alignment.
6 M
3(b) Explain PIEV theory.
6 M
3(c) Define shoulders and list the important functions of the same.
8 M

4(a) What is super elevation? Explain the steps for practical design of super elevation.
6 M
4(b) The speeds of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 100 mph and 84kmph respectively. If the aceleration of overtakin vehicle is 3.6kmph/sec. Calculate the safe OSD. Draw a neat sketch of overtaking zone, indicating the necessary data.
8 M
4(c) List different types of transition curves and provide the objectives of providing the same.
6 M

5(a) List the desirable properties of bitumen. What are the various tests carried out on bitmen?
6 M
5(b) Exlain step by step procedure to determine modulus subgrade reaction and to make corrections for variation in plate size.
8 M
5(c) Classify the given soil into HRB soil classification: Soil%passing 6.3mm-100%
2.0mm - 70%
75μ-42% Liquid limit of soil is 45% and plastic limit is 20%.
6 M

6(a) Differentiate between flexible and rigid pavement.
6 M
6(b) Determine the ESWL under dual tandem wheel load assembly using simplified graphical method at a depth of 450mm and 900mm and load on wheel is 70kN and pressure is 0.6MPa. C/C distance between dual wheels is 600mn, C/C distance between tanden axle is 1400mm.
8 M
6(c) Define modulus of subgrade reaction and radius of relative stiffness.
6 M

7(a) Write step by step procedure used in construction of a bituminous cocrete layer.
8 M
7(b) List the requirements of an highway drainage system.
6 M
7(c) Write step by step procedure involved preparing subgrade.
6 M

8(a) With examples explain tangible and intangible benefits.
6 M
8(b) Write short notes on: i) Annual cost method ; ii) Benefit cost ratio method.
8 M
8(c) Explain the concept of BOT and BOOT, in financing highway project.
6 M

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