SPPU Civil Engineering (Semester 7)
TQM & MIS in Civil Engineering
May 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer any one question from Q.1 and Q.2
1(a) Explain PDCA cycle and its usefulness in Quality plan implementation with the help of practical examples.
6 M
Answer any one question from Q.1 and Q.2
1(a) Explain why 'quality' on a construction project is very important in the context of the 'project life-cycle concept', with examples.
4 M
1(b) Differentiate between the contribution of Juran and Crossby.
4 M
1(b) Discuss challenges faced by the Indian Construction companies w.r.t. the 'quality aspects', in the fierce global business competition.
4 M
1(c) Elaborate Juran's definition of 'quality' with an example.
2 M

2(a) What are quality objectives? How are they set? What is the basic purpose of setting these objectives?
5 M
2(a) Enumerate 8 most important factors which govern the quality of an underground water tank constructed in random rubble measonary and plastered from inside.
4 M
2(b) Highlight 5 important functions to be performed by a quality manager.
5 M
2(b) As a quality control manager, recommend 4 measures to be adopted by the contractor, in the construction of a brick wall, so as to ensure a quality construction.
4 M
2(c) 'Human nature and absence of quality are inter-related'. Explain validity of this statement or otherwise, with any examples.
2 M

Answer any one question from Q.3 and Q.4
3(a) Discuss the advantages of implementing TQM in the Indian construction sector.
5 M
Answer any one question from Q.3 and Q.4
3(a) Define 'MIS' and explain with examples how a MIS will benefit construction organisations in effective management of construction projects.
5 M
3(b) Explain 'Backlogs' as a quality defect elaborating on the 'reasons' and the 'remedies'.
5 M
3(b) Discuss limitations of MIS with examples.
5 M

4(a) Explain 5 important principles of TQM with examples.
5 M
4(a) Explain in brief 3 sub-systems of any MIS.
6 M
4(b) Elaborate on how the normal distribution and the six sigma technique are linked. Identify the actual levels for each sigma.
5 M
4(b) Discuss data and information inputs needed to prepare a MIS for a client's organisation so as to keep a track of the attendance of its employees on work, including overtime aspects.
4 M

Answer any one question from Q.5 and Q.6
5(a) Discuss and detail out the historical evolution from Quality → Quality Control → Quality Assurance → Total Quality Control → Total Quality Management with example. Clearly explain each term and its importance.
10 M
Answer any one question from Q.5 and Q.6
5(a) Explain the concept of 'management' of 'quality' in 'totality' on a residential construction project, from the owner's prespective, considering project life-cycle and customer aspects. Involve various other stake-holders, resources involved in elaborating the concept.
5 M
5(b) Elaborate with examples:
i) Leadership for quality attainment
ii) Empowerment for human resources
iii) Win-Win supplies, customer relationship
iv) Process based approach
8 M
5(b) In a tabular format explain the six sigma levels. Which is the minimum sigma level which should certainly exist on any construction activity? Why?
5 M

6 Benchmark for quality aspects with respect to the providing and casting of M25 controlled concrete at site using a weigh batcher. Consider 9 important paraeters for benchmarking. Identify.
a) minimum acceptable level and
b) desirable quality level (you are allowed to make provisions for tolerable allowances in each level)
18 M
6(a) Discuss advantages of using TQM on construction projects, by citing various examples.
5 M
6(b) Elaborate on the organisational culture, policies, procedures, processes, systems etc, which are to be defined and implemented within any construction organisation in order to attain the 6th sigma level of performance. Assume any other relevant aspects, for your discussion.
5 M

Answer any one question from Q.7 and Q.8
7(a) What is an MIS? What parameters you will consider in preparing an MIS for a contractors organisation so as to monitor the quality of construction on a road project? Detail out.
12 M
7(b) Explain concepts of:
i) hidden costs of Quality
ii) Intangible benefits of Quality (Use example)
4 M

8(a) Explain with applications
i) Quality control charts
ii) SCM
iii) Kaizen
iv) Zero defects
12 M
8(b) Explain what details get accounted while calculating the enternal failure costs?
4 M

Answer any one question from Q.9 and Q.10
9 Detail out with examples the different modern devices and softwares used for measuring, documenting, reporting and correcting quality related data.
16 M

Write short answer to:
10(a) loss of business on account of quality problems
4 M
10(b) Customer satisfaction and delight.
4 M
10(c) NC Report
4 M
10(d) ERP modules
4 M

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