Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q.1(a,b) &Q.2(a,b)
1(a) Obtain the transfer function of system represented by the signal flow graph shown in figure no. 1.
6 M
1(b) For the system with closed loop transfer function \(G(s)=\frac{25}{s^{2}+8s+25} \)/ determine damping factor, undamped natural frequency, rise time, peak time, peak overshoot and settling time with 2% tolerance band.
6 M

2(a) Obtain the transfer function of system represented by the block diagram shown in Figure No. 2.
6 M
2(b) For the unity beedback system with open loop transfer function \[G(s)=\frac{100\left ( s+2 \right )}{s\left ( s+5 \right )\left ( s+10 \right )}\] determine static error constants and steady state error if input is r(t) = 1 + t.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.3(a,b) &Q.4(a,b)
3(a) Investigate the stability of a system having closed loop characteristics equation: \[Q(s)=s^{3}+7s^{2}+10s+k=0 \ \text{and}\ \ \text{find} \ K_{mar}\ \text{and} \ W_{mar^{.}}\]
4 M
3(b) For the unity feedback system with open loop transfer function \( G(s)= \frac{20}{s\left ( s+1\right )\left ( s+10 \right ),} \)/
sketch Nyquist plot and investigate stability.
8 M

4(a) Determine damping factor, undamped natrural frequency, resonant peak and resonant frequency for the system with closed loop transfer function:\[G(s)= \frac{100}{s^{2}+10s+100}\]
4 M
4(b) Sketch root locus of a system wih open loop transfer function \[G(s)H(s)= \frac{K}{s\left ( s+4\right )\left ( s+6 \right ).}\]
8 M

Solve any one question from Q.5(a,b) &Q.6(a,b)
5(a) Obtain controllable canonical and obserable canonical state models for the system with transfer function:\[G(s)= \frac{s^{2}+3s+5}{s^{3}+5s^{2}+9}\]
6 M
5(b) Investigate for complete state controllability and state observability of system with state space model matrices:
7 M

6(a) Derive formula of state transition matrix and state any four properties.
7 M
6(b) Obtain physical variable state model of the system shown in Figure No.3.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.7(a,b) &Q.8(a,b)
7(a) Determine pulse transfer function of a system shown in Figure No.4, using first principle (starred Laplace transform)
7 M
7(b) Sketch step and ramp reponses of P, PI & PID control actions.
6 M

8(a) Determine pulse transfer function shown in Figure No.5.
7 M
8(b) Obtain ladder diagram for a 3-input two output system with boolean expressions: \[\begin{align*} Y_{1}=A\bar{B}C+A\ B\ \bar{C}\\ Y_{2}=\bar{A}\ \bar{B}\ \bar{C}+ A\ B.\end{align*}\]
6 M

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