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(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer any one question from Q1 and Q2
1 (a) Explain different functional units of Computer Organization.
6 M
1 (b) Give the IEEE standard for floating point numbers for:
(i) single precision number
(ii) double precision number.
6 M

2 (a) Explain single bus structure and multi bus structure.
6 M
2 (b) Represent (-13) multiple in booths record format and bit pair recorded format.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q3 and Q4
3 (a) Write down control sequence for the instruction move (R1), R2.
6 M
3 (b) Explain the following standards:
(i) PCI
(ii) SCSI
(iii) USB
6 M

4 (a) Compare horizontal microinstruction and vertical micro-instruction.
6 M
4 (b) Write a short note on interrupt driven Input/Output.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q5 and Q6
5 (a) Explain cache memory. Why is it used ?
6 M
5 (b) Write a note on semiconductor RAM memories.
7 M

6 (a) Write a note on a synchronous DRAM.
6 M
6 (b) Explain the connection of the memory to the processor.
7 M

Answer any one question from Q7 and Q8
7 (a) List out addressing modes of 8086.
6 M
7 (b) Explain interrupt structure of 8086.
7 M

8 (a) Draw Flag Structure of 8086 and explain operation of each flag.
7 M
8 (b) Explain Logical to physical addressing of 8086.
6 M

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