SPPU Electronics and Telecom Engineering (Semester 4)
Computer Organization
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q1 and Q2
1 (a) Explain different functional units of computer organization.
6 M
1 (b) Perform multiplication of the following positive numbers using Booth's algorithm:
i) 1101
ii) 1011
6 M

2 (a) Explain IEEE standards for single precision and double precision floating point numbers.
6 M
2 (b) Explain pipelining of RISC processor.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q3 and Q4
3 (a) Write the control sequence for ADD R4, R5, R6 using multibus organization with flow chart.
7 M
3 (b) Write a short note on universal serial bus.
6 M

4 (a) Differentiate between hardwired and microprogrammed control unit.
6 M
4 (b) Explain different methods to handle multiple interrupts.
7 M

Solve any one question from Q5 and Q6
5 (a) Explain memory hierarchy of computer system.
6 M
5 (b) Write a short note on SRAM.
6 M

6 (a) Explain the concept of virtual memory. How is virtual address translated to physical address?
6 M
6 (b) Explain the cache mapping techniques.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q7 and Q8
7 (a) Draw and explain functional block diagram of 8086 processor.
7 M
7 (b) State and explain any three addressing mode with example for 8086 processor.
6 M

8 (a) Explain the function of the following pins of 8086:-
i) BHE/S7
ii) MN/MX
iii) INTR
iv) NMI
6 M
8 (b) Draw the bit pattern for flag register of 8086 and explain significance of each bit.
7 M

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