SPPU First Year Engineering (Semester 1)
Basic Civil and Environmental Engineering (BCEE)
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q.1(a,b,c) & Q.2(a,b,c)
1(a) State the role of Civil Engineer in construction of a Bungalow.
4 M
1(b) Defien Settlement and state its tyes. Also mention various causes of settelments
4 M
1(c) State any two practical appications of the following:
1) Irrigation Engineering
2) Project Management.
4 M

2(a) Define the term 'GAUGE'. State various types of gauge with their dimensions.
4 M
2(b) State comaprison between PCC and RCC.
4 M
2(c) Define Concrete. State various types of Concrete. Also mention one practical application of each.
4 M

Solve any one question from Q.3(a,b,c) & Q.4(a,b,c)
3(a) The following staff readings were taken with a dumpy level and 4 m leveling staff on a slopping ground. The readings are 0.500, 0.900, 1.200, 3.800, 0.400, 1.600, 2.200, 3.600, 0.700, 1.500, 2.700 and 3.400. The first reading was taken on BM of RL 100.000m. Calculate the reduced levels of staff stations by rise and fall method. Apply ususal arithmetic check.
5 M
3(b) Explain in brief the importance of Forest as a Natural Resource.
4 M
3(c) Define the following terms used in leveling:
1) Benchmark
2) Line of collimation
3) Change point.
3 M

4(a) With the help of a neat sketch exaplain any four characteristics of contour lines.
4 M
4(b) During a differential leveling work the following readings were taken with the help of level and 4 m staff. The readings are 2.305, 1.880, 3.205, 2.235, 1.975, 0.500, 2.105 and 0.985. The level was shifted after fourth and sixth reading. The BM of elevation 102.50 m was given at the bottom of Lintel. Calculate The Reduced Levels of all Staff stations by Collimation Plane Method. Apply Usual Arithmetic check.
5 M
4(c) State various Natural Resources. Explain any one brief.
4 M

Solve any one question from Q.5(a,b,c) & Q.6(a,b,c)
5(a) State various ways of achieving economy while constructing a building.
5 M
5(b) Explain the following terms:
1) Built up area
2) Floor Area Ratio
3) Privacy
4) Roominess.
4 M
5(c) Explain the importance of circulation as a principle of planning.
4 M

6(a) Explain in brief concept of green building.
5 M
6(b) Enlist important factors to be considered for selecting the site for residential building.
4 M
6(c) State with reasons the desirable aspects for the following:
1) Classroom
2) Water Closet.
4 M

Solve any one question from Q.7(a,b,c) & Q.8(a,b,c)
7(a) Distinguish between Conventional and Non-Conventional sources of energy.
4 M
7(b) Comment on a statement "Efficient use renewable sources of energy will help us to reduce air pollution in rural area of our country"
5 M
7(c) State various greenhouse gases. What are the ill effects of these gases.
4 M

8(a) Write a short note on Noise Pollution.
4 M
8(b) State comaprison between renewable and non-renewable energy sources.
5 M
8(c) What measures will you suggest to reduce different kinds of pollution in urban area?
4 M

More question papers from Basic Civil and Environmental Engineering (BCEE)