Answer any five from the following:-
1 (a)
Why silver, gold and platinum do not undergo oxidation corrosion?
3 M
1 (b)
Define Octane number and Cetane number. Give their significance.
3 M
1 (c)
Give the composition, properties and uses of German Silver.
3 M
1 (d)
Give classification of composite material.
3 M
1 (e)
What is green chemistry? List the 12 principles of green chemistry.
3 M
1 (f)
State the characteristics of good paint.
3 M
1 (g)
A coal sample was subjected to ultimate analysis. 0.6gm of coal on combustion in a bomb calorimeter, produces 0.05gm of BaSO4. Calculate the percentage of S in the coal sample.
3 M
2 (a)
What are metallic coatings? Distinguish between galvanizing and tinning.
6 M
2 (b)
Explain refining of petroleum with suitable diagram.
5 M
2 (c)
Calculate percent atom economy for following reactions: (w.r.t chlorobenzene).
4 M
3 (a)
A coal sample has the following composition by weights: C = 82%, H = 3%, O = 8%, S = 2%, N = 2% and Ash = 3%. Calculate the minimum amount of air required both by weight and volume for complete combustion of 2 Kg of coal. (molecular wt. of air = 28.949 gm)
6 M
3 (b)
Explain traditional and greener route of production of indigo dye. By this reactions which principle of green chemistry is shown?
5 M
3 (c)
How is the rate of corrosion influenced by :-
i) pH of the medium
ii) Relative area of cathode and anode part?
i) pH of the medium
ii) Relative area of cathode and anode part?
4 M
4 (a)
Write a note on compacting and sintering.
6 M
4 (b)
Explain wet corrosion in acidic medium with schematic diagram and mechanism.
5 M
4 (c)
Explain laminar composite with suitable example.
4 M
5 (a)
What is biodiesel? Explain the method to obtain biodiesel from vegetable oil. Give advantages of biodiesel as fuel.
6 M
5 (b)
Distinguish between brass and bronze.
5 M
5 (c)
State the chemical factors influencing adhesive action.
4 M
6 (a)
What is cathodic protection? Describe impressed current method of corrosion control.
5 M
6 (b)
A gaseous fuel has the following composition by volume: H2 = 10%, CH4 = 30%, C3H8 = 20%, CO = 20%, CO2= 15%, N2 = 5%. Calculate the volume of air required for complete combustion of 1 m3 of fuel.
5 M
6 (c)
Explain the effect of following elements on alloying:-
(i) Nickel
(ii) Chromium
(i) Nickel
(ii) Chromium
6 M
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