Answer any five of the following.
1 (a)
What is 'Oxidation corrosion'? Why do gold and platinum metal not get corroded in atmospheric oxygen?
3 M
1 (b)
Give composition, properties and uses of German silver.
3 M
1 (c)
What is 'cracking' of heavy oil? Mention any four advantages of catalytic cracking over thermal cracking.
3 M
1 (d)
Explain 'prevention of waste' principle in Green Chemistry.
3 M
1 (e)
What are composite materials? Mention any four characteristics of composite materials.
3 M
1 (f)
What is metal cladding? How is 'alclad' obtained.
3 M
1 (g)
1.5g of a coal sample was brunt in combustion apparatus and teh products of combustion were collected in previously weighed KOH bulb and CaCl2 tube. The increase in weight of KOH bulb and CaCI2 tube were found to be 3.92g and 1.25g respectively. Calculate percentage carbon and hydrogen in the sample.
3 M
2 (a)
How do the following factors affect the rate of corrosion?
i) Relative areas of anodic and cathodic parts
ii) Purity of metal
iii) pH of medium.
i) Relative areas of anodic and cathodic parts
ii) Purity of metal
iii) pH of medium.
6 M
2 (b)
What is meant by 'Knocking' in internal combustion engine? Define Octane number. Name any two anti-knock agents.
5 M
2 (c)
Calculate percentage atom economy for the following reaction with respect to cinnamaldehyde.
4 M
3 (a)
A gaseous fuel has the following composition by volume.
CO=46% H2=30% CH4=10%
C2H4 = 4% N2=1% CO2=2% and O2=7%.
Calculate volume and weight of air required for complete combustion of 1m3 of fuel (Mol. wt. of air = 28.949).
CO=46% H2=30% CH4=10%
C2H4 = 4% N2=1% CO2=2% and O2=7%.
Calculate volume and weight of air required for complete combustion of 1m3 of fuel (Mol. wt. of air = 28.949).
6 M
3 (b)
Explain conventional and greener route production of Indigo dye. Highlight the green chemistry principle involved.
5 M
3 (c)
Explain Galvanic corrosion with the help of suitable example and diagram.
4 M
4 (a)
What is power metallurgy? List various steps involved in power metallurgy. Mention the aim of each step.
6 M
4 (b)
With the help of a diagram and electrode reactions, explain mechanism of electrochemical corrosion of iron by hydrogen evolution, in acidic medium.
5 M
4 (c)
Explain 'sandwich panel' type layered structural composites, with a suitable diagram. Mention their application.
4 M
5 (a)
With a suitable diagram, explain process of refining to petroleum. Name any two fractions obtained.
6 M
5 (b)
How are plain carbon steels classified based on carbon content? What are the drawbacks of plain carbon steels?
5 M
5 (c)
Discuss influence of any two chemical factors on adhesive action.
4 M
6 (a)
Define 'Paint'. Mention any four constituents of plaint their functions.
5 M
6 (b)
A sample of coal has the following composition by mass:
C=70%. H=10%, O=4% ;
S=2%, N=2% and Ash=12%
Calculate Gross and Net calorific value using Dulong's formula.
C=70%. H=10%, O=4% ;
S=2%, N=2% and Ash=12%
Calculate Gross and Net calorific value using Dulong's formula.
5 M
6 (c)
Distinguish between Brass and Bronze.
5 M
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