MU First Year Engineering (Semester 1)
Applied Chemistry 1
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Attempt any five from the following:
1 (a) Why is Hot lime-soda process preferred over cold lime-soda method?
3 M
1 (b) What are the drawbacks of natural rubber.
3 M
1 (c) List the applications of carbon nanotubes.
3 M
1 (d) Define flash point and fire point. Give its significance.
3 M
1 (e) What is Triple point? Explain it with reference to one component water system.
3 M
1 (f) Distinguish between thermoplastic and the thermosetting resins.
3 M
1 (g) A 5ml sample of waste water was refluxed with 30ml of potassium dichromate solution and after refluxing the excess unreacted dichromate required 23ml of 0.1M FAS solution. A blank of distilled water on refluxing with 30ml of dichromate solution required 36ml of 0.1M FAS solution. Calculate the COD value of the waste water.
3 M

2 (a) Calculate the quantity of pure lime (70% pure) and soda (85%pure) required for softening of 100,000 litres of water containing the following impurities in ppm.
Ca(HCO3)2=30.2, Mg(HCO3)2=20.8, CaCl2=28.1, MgCl2=8.78, CaSO4=35, MgSO4=6.7, NaCl=17.9.
6 M
2 (b) What is the phase Rule? Draw a neat labelled diagram for water system. Using phase rule find the number of degrees of freedom (F) for the following systems;
i) lce(s) ⇔ water(l) ⇔ water vapour(g)
ii) Water ⇔ water vapour
5 M
2 (c) Explain the preparation, properties and uses of silica bricks.
4 M

3 (a) Define: Lubricants, Lubrication. Discuss the boundary-film Lubrication mechanism.
6 M
3 (b) What is meant by fabrication of plastic? Explain in details the injection moulding method.
5 M
3 (c) Discuss the limitations of phase rule.
4 M

4 (a) Write the preparation, properties and uses of any two of the following:
i) Kevlar
ii) PMMA
iii) Buna-S
6 M
4 (b) What is activated sludge? Explain the method with a flow-sheet diagram.
5 M
4 (c) Find the acid-value of vegetable oil whose 5ml required 2ml of N/10 KOH during titration (Density of oil = 0.92).
4 M

Write notes on (Any two):
5 (a) (i) Decay of concrete
3 M
5 (a) (ii) Setting and hardening of cement
3 M
5 (b) RCC
3 M
5 (b) Explain the function of the following constituents in the compounding of plastics. Give proper example (Any Two):
i) Filters
ii) Plasticizers
iii) Lubricants
5 M
5 (c) The hardness of 75,000 litres of a water sample was completely removed by a permutit. The exhausted permutit then required 1500L of NaCl containing 117mg of NaCl per litre for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of water sample.
4 M

6 (a) Explain with a neat diagram, the zeolite process of water softening including the following points.
i) Principle
ii) Softening and regeneration reactions
iii) Process
iv) Advantages
6 M
6 (b) What is vulcanization? Explain giving proper reaction. Discuss the improvement in the drawbacks of natural rubber after vulcanization.
5 M
6 (c) Under what conditions are solid lubricants used? Explain Graphite as a solid lubricant.
4 M

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