A GaAs FET has the following S parameter and noise parameter at 1GHz (Z0=50Ω) S11=0.7\(\angle\)\(-155^{\circ}\), S12=0, S21=5.0\(\angle\)180\(^{\circ}\), S22=0.51\(\angle\)-20\(^{\circ}\)Fmin=3dB, \(\Gamma\)opt =0.45\(\angle\)180\(^{\circ}\), \(R_N=4\Omega\) .Design a Low noise amplifier for a noise figure of 3.5dB and power gain of 16dB.
A MOSFET is biased for Large signal class A operation with the following small-signal s-parameter at 5GHz.S11=0.55\(\angle \)-150\(^{\circ}\), S12=0.04\(\angle \)20\(^{\circ}\)S21=3.5\(\angle \)170\(^{\circ}\), S22=0.45\(\angle \)30\(^{\circ}\)The large signal S21=2.8\(\angle \)180\(^{\circ}\).Design a Large signal class A amplifier with max. Transducer gain in 50Ω system.
Design a transistor oscillator at 4GHz using GaAs FET in common gate configuration with 5nH inductor in series. Common gate configuration s-parameters are S11=2.18\(\angle \) -35\(^{\circ}\), S21=2.75\(\angle \)96\(^{\circ}\),S12=1.26\(\angle \)18\(^{\circ}\), S22=0.52\(\angle \)155\(^{\circ}\).Select \(\Gamma_T\) so that Gamma in >1