SPPU Information Technology (Semester 5)
Software Engineering
May 2017
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q.1(a,b) &Q.2(a,b)
1(a) Write short note on Generic process model.
5 M
1(b) What is software process assessment and approaches for software assessments?
5 M

2(a) What are the principles of Agile development?
5 M
2(b) Explain Spiral model with the help of diagram.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q.3(a,b) &Q.4(a,b)
3(a) Explain in brief different SCRUM roles.
5 M
3(b) What is Continuous integration? Explain benefits continuous integration.
5 M

4(a) Explain Requirement Engineering Tasks.
5 M
4(b) Draw and explain data flow diagram for Library Management System.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q.5(a,b) &Q.6(a,b)
5(a) Explain data centered and data flow architecture with neat diagrams.
8 M
5(b) i) Write short note on Design Trade-offs.
ii) Difference between Structured analysis and object oriented analysis.
8 M

6(a) What is software architecture? Compare horizontal and vertical partitioning.
8 M
6(b) Explain architectural trade-off analysis method ( A TAM).
8 M

Solve any one question from Q.7(a,b) & Q.8(a,b)
7(a) Define Usability. Explain different characteristics of Usability ISO characteristics.
8 M
7(b) Write short note on Interface Designs Principles.
8 M

8(a) Explain the Seeheim model of human-computer dialog management?
8 M
8(b) Explain mechanisms applied in user interface design for fulfilling Theo Mandel's three golden rules.
8 M

Solve any one question from Q.9(a,b) & Q.10(a,b)
9(a) Write the Black box, state-box and clear box specification.
8 M
9(b) Write short note on:
i) Integrated Case Environment
ii) Technology evolution
10 M

10(a) Write short notes on Elements of a Configuration Management System.
8 M
10(b) What is cleanroom software development? Explain major task conducted during cleanroom approach.
10 M

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