GTU Information Technology (Semester 4)
Operating System
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Explain different types of OS and also Explain different types of tasks done by OS.
7 M
1(b) Define and explain following terms:
(i) Authentication (ii) Mutual Exclusion (iii) Monitor (iv) Segmentation
7 M

2(a) Define a process. Explain the process state transition with a neat diagram.
7 M
Solved any one question from Q.2(b) & Q.2(c)
2(b) What is PCB? Discuss its major fields.
7 M
2(c) Explain the classical thread model with its implementation strategies.
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.3 & Q.4
3(a) Explain Context Switching. Discuss performance evaluation of FCFS (First Come First Serve) & RR (Round Robin) scheduling.
7 M
3(b) Explain the IPC Problem known as Dining Philosopher Problem.
7 M

4(a) Explain the use of Banker's Algorithm for multiple resources for Deadlock Avoidance with illustration.
7 M
4(b) Explain IPC Problem - Readers & Writers Problem.
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.5 & Q.6
5(a) Explain the following UNIX commands
(i) grep
(ii) cut
(iii) chmod
(iv) finger
7 M
5(b) Explain the following allocation algorithms: 1) First-fit 2) Best-fit 3) Worst-fit
7 M

6(a) Write short note: RAID levels.
7 M
6(b) Explain SSTF and LOOK disk scheduling algorithms.
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.7 & Q.8
7(a) Explain any two File Allocation Methods from the following: (i) Contiguous Allocation (ii) Linked Allocation (iii) Indexed Allocation
7 M
7(b) Explain Swapping in Detail.
7 M

8(a) Explain the Trojan Horse and Trap doors program threats.
7 M
8(b) Explain UMA and NUMA multiprocessors.
7 M

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