SPPU Computer Engineering (Semester 4)
Object Oriented and Multicore Programming
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question fromQ.1(a,b) and Q.2(a,b,c)
1(a) Explain the following terms and example:
1) Constant argument
2) Reference variable
3) Static member functions
4) Inline functions.
8 M
1(b) Explain the difference between early and late binding.
4 M

2(a) What is operator overloading? Explain the need of operator overloading.
4 M
2(b) What is the ambiguity problem in inheritance? How can it be resolved?
4 M
2(c) Explain in brief manipualtors.
4 M

Solve any one question fromQ.3(a,b) and Q.4(a,b)
3(a) What is an exception? How is an exception handled in C++?
4 M
3(b) What are the most commonly occuring problems when there is concurrent access to data or resources by multiple tasks?
8 M

4(a) Explain one application of container class with suitable example.
8 M
4(b) Explain the different activities in process creation.
4 M

Solve any one question fromQ.5(a,b) and Q.6(a,b)
5(a) Explain architecture of thread with suitable block diagram.
8 M
5(b) Explain the hardware thread and software thread.
5 M

6(a) Explain the pthread_create and pthread_join function.
8 M
6(b) What are the different thread attribute.
5 M

Solve any one question fromQ.7(a,b) and Q.8(a,b)
7(a) Explain four basic synchronization relationships between any two tasks.
9 M
7(b) Write a short note on interthread communication.
4 M

8(a) Explain delegation model in brief.
7 M
8(c) Explain in brief:
1) Critical section
2) Message queue
3) Mutex semaphore.
6 M

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