RGPV Computer Science (Semester 7)
Network & Web Security
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) What do you mean by computer security and cyber security?
2 M
1(b) What is an intruder? Describe its classification.
2 M
1(c) Explain Risk Management.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.1(d) & Q.1(e)
1(d) Discuss various types of security threats.
7 M
1(e) Discuss principles of security in detail.
7 M

2(a) What is substitution cipher? Explain with suitable example.
2 M
2(b) What is Transposition Cipher? Explain with example.
2 M
2(c) What is Steganography?How it differs from cryptography?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.2(d) & Q.2(e)
2(d) Explain RSA algorithm with an example.
7 M
2(e) Describe Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm. Calculate secret shared key if n=17,x=3 and y=7. Also explain Bucket Brigade Attack.
7 M

3(a) Define hash function.
2 M
3(b) What is Message Authentication Code?
2 M
3(c) Write short note on Digital Signature.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.3(d) & Q.3(e)
3(d) Explain SHA-1 Algorithm.
7 M
3(e) What are Kerberos? Write the working Principle of Kerberos.
7 M

4(a) What is spoofing?
2 M
4(b) What is sniffing?
2 M
4(c) Explain SQL injection with an example.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.4(d) & Q.4(e)
4(d) What is virus?How it works? Explain its phases of execution.
7 M
4(e) Write short note on any two:-
i)Trojan Horse ii)Worm iii)Backdoor
7 M

5(a) What is Hacking?
2 M
5(b) What is Computer Forensics?
2 M
5(c) Write short note Trusted System.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.5(d) & Q.5(e)
5(d) What is Firewall? Explain its various types.
7 M
5(e) What is secure electronic transaction? Explain its various components.
7 M

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