RGPV Computer Science (Semester 6)
Microprocessor and Interfacing
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) What is bus? Specify the functions of address bus data bus and control bus.
2 M
1(b) What are different data transfer schemes available in microprocessor system?
2 M
1(c) What advantages does segmentation offer over multiple variable partitions?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.1(d) & Q.1(e)
1(d) What do you understand by microprocessor architecture? Explain the conventional Von-Neumann computer architecture in detail.
7 M
1(e) Explain the brief the evolution of advanced microprocessors.
7 M

2(a) What are flags? What they signifies?
2 M
2(b) Explain the need to demultiplex the bus AD1-AD0 in 8085
2 M
2(c) What are different addressing modes in 8085 microprocessor? Explain with examples.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.2(d) & Q.2(e)
2(d) Write an ALP in 8085 to find the largest number n a array
7 M
2(e) Explain the register organization of 8085 and explain typical application each register.
7 M

3(a) What is the concept of pipe lining?
2 M
3(b) Name the hardware interrupts of 8086 microprocessor.
2 M
3(c) Discuss the segmentation of memory in 8086 microprocessor.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.3(d) & Q.3(e)
3(d) Write an ALP in 8086 to find/count the number of odd and even number in a given series of numbers.
7 M
3(e) Draw the functional block diagram of 8086 microprocessor. Explain each block i brief.
7 M

4(a) How a memory is interfaced to a microprocessor?
2 M
4(b) Why 8253 programmable counter/timer is needed in a microprocessor system?
2 M
4(c) Explain why the interrupts of 8085 μ p are called vectored interrupts.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.4(d) & Q.4(e)
4(d) Explain 8259 programmable interrupt controller with neat function block diagram.
7 M
4(e) Explain direct memory access controller in detail with neat block diagram why it is needed?
7 M

5(a) What is the difference between microprocessor and micro controller?
2 M
5(b) Write a program in 8051 to add three numbers in array.
2 M
5(c) What are the operating modes of serial port of an 8051?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.5(d) & Q.5(e)
5(d) Draw the architecture of 8051 micro controller. List all its features.
7 M
5(e) Write a detailed note on different applications of micro controller.
7 M

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