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GTU Electronics and Communication Engineering (Semester 4)
Microprocessor And Interfacing
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Describe basic Machine Cycle used in 8085. Draw Timing Diagram for OUT instruction.
7 M
1(b) Draw Architectural Block of 8085 microprocessor with Flag Register and list out main Features of 8085.
7 M

2(a) Explain Following instruction of 8085 Microprocessor.
(5) CMA
(6) ORI
7 M
Solved any one question from Q.2(c) & Q.2(d)
2(b) Give Brief note on Bus structure of 8085. How Control Signals are generated?
7 M
2(c) Explain following Pin Functions of 8085 microprocessor.
(1) ALE
(3) HLDA
(4) INTR
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.3 & Q.4
3(a) Explain main categories of 8085 instructions with suitable opcode.
7 M
3(b) Write an Assembly language program with flowchart to add all positive numbers out of ten numbers stored at memory location. Discard all negative numbers. Store result and carry.
7 M

4(a) Write an Assembly language program with flowchart to add two 16 bit numbers stored at memory location. Store result and carry.
7 M
4(b) Write a Subroutine program to generate 100 millisecond delay using register pair (Show calculation for count). Write main program to generate 1 second delay by calling subroutine program.(Use Clock frequency 2 MHz)
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.5 & Q.6
5(a)1 Differentiate :Memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O
4 M
5(a)2 Differentiate : Linear Decoding and Absolute Decoding
3 M
5(b) Draw and explain block diagram of 8255 (PPI) with control word format.
7 M

6(a) Design an Interfacing circuit with single 3 to 8 decoder to connect TWO 4k × 8 EPROM with starting address from 0000H onwards and ONE 2k× 8 RAM with starting address 2000H onwards.
7 M
Solved any one question from Q.7 & Q.8
6(b) Briefly explain different parameters used for ADC. Explain interfacing scheme for 8-bit ADC with 8085 microprocessor.
7 M

7(a) Define Polling and Interrupt. Describe the interrupt used in 8085 with its type and priority.
7 M
7(b) Draw and briefly explain Architecture of 8086 microprocessor.
7 M

8(a) Explain addressing modes used in 8086 microprocessor with suitable example.
7 M
8(b) Write Short note on Advance Microprocessor.
7 M

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