From the block diagram Figure 1, determine the transfer function : X/Y
8 M
Write two distinct point of comparison between Potentiometer and Digital Encoder.
2 M
Reduce the block diagram in Figure 2 and determine the transfer function; C/R.
8 M
List any two reasons to justify the need for a signal conditioner in a mechatronic system.
2 M
Draw a suitable block diagram and explain the working of a DAQ system.
6 M
A LVDT is to be selected for measurement of displacement. Discuss in brief, any four criterions for selection of the said sensor.
4 M
Dor a 4 bit ADC with Vref=10 volts, find the digital equivalent of Vin=6 volts.
6 M
Draw a suitable diagram and explain the working of strain gauge for force mesurement.
4 M
Using a suitable example discuss the working of the following in a PLC:
i) Latch
i) Latch
8 M
Considering a suitable example explain the working of the SCADA system.
8 M
A circuit involves four No type switches P1
S1 and S2, and a DC motor (M). Draw a ladder diagram such that the said circuit satisfies following objectives:
i) When P1 is pushed the circuit shall turn On and shall continue to remain On until P2 is pushed.
ii) When S1 is pushed and S2 is not pushed then Motor is On is clockwise direction.
iii) When S2 is pushed and S1 is not pushed then Motor is On in anti-clockwise direction.
iv) When P2 is pushed the circuit turns Off.
S1 and S2, and a DC motor (M). Draw a ladder diagram such that the said circuit satisfies following objectives:
i) When P1 is pushed the circuit shall turn On and shall continue to remain On until P2 is pushed.
ii) When S1 is pushed and S2 is not pushed then Motor is On is clockwise direction.
iii) When S2 is pushed and S1 is not pushed then Motor is On in anti-clockwise direction.
iv) When P2 is pushed the circuit turns Off.
10 M
Draw a suitble block diagram and explain the architecture of a PLC.
6 M
C(s)R(s)=0.5s+2s2+0.5s+2C(s)R(s)=0.5s+2s2+0.5s+2/ From the transfer function, of a second order system, presented by Eq.(1), determine:
i) Location of Pole
ii) Location of Zero
iii) Damping Factor Also, for the transfer function in Eq.(1).comment on:
i) Absolute stability of the system.
ii) Unit step response of the system.
i) Location of Pole
ii) Location of Zero
iii) Damping Factor Also, for the transfer function in Eq.(1).comment on:
i) Absolute stability of the system.
ii) Unit step response of the system.
10 M
Discuss the advantages and dis-advantages of the frequency domain analysis in comparision to the domain analysis.
6 M
Draw suitable sketch and explain "Time Domain Specifications and Analysis"
10 M
Determine the approximate Rise Time, 2% Settling Time and % Overshoot of a second-order system driven using a unit step input Assume the system to have a damping factor = 0.75 and natural frequency = 5rad/sec.
6 M
The equation of error is e = 0.5t+0.03t2. With KP=5,
KD=0.5 and p(0)=50%, sketch the graph of the controller (in series form) from t=0 to t=2sec.
KD=0.5 and p(0)=50%, sketch the graph of the controller (in series form) from t=0 to t=2sec.
10 M
Write the equation for the control signal for Integral action. Also, discuss the advantages as well as the disadvantages of adding Internal action to Proportional action.
8 M
Derive the transfer function of the Proportional Integral Derivative(PID) controller in parallel from. Also, discuss, in detail, the advantages and disadvantages of adding Derivative term to the Proportional term.
12 M
W.R.T parallel from, discuss the advantages offered by the Series From of PID control.
6 M
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