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VTU Mechanical Engineering (Semester 4)
Mechanical Measurement and Metrology
June 2012
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Distinguish between line standards and end standards.
4 M
1 (b) Give the details of M112 set of slip gauge and using he same build the following dimensions
(i) 34.1685 (ii) 64.8975 (iii) 79.7915
8 M
1 (c) Four end bars A, B, C, D of approximately 100 mm in length are to be calibrate using standard and calibrated length bar of 400 mm. This calibrate standard has actual length of 399.9998 mm. The bar B is 0.0004 mm longer then bar A, bar C is 0.0003 mm longer then bar A and bar D is 0.0001 mm shorter then bar A. the four end bars, when mounted, their combined length is found to be 0.0004 mm longer then actual length of standard bar, estimate the actual length of each end bar.
8 M

2 (a) With a neat sketches, explain the hole based and shaft based system of limits and fits.
6 M
2 (b) Give detailed classification of gauges.
4 M
2 (c) Calculate all the relevant dimensions of components of assembly designated as 25 H7-f8, given that 25 mm fall in the diameter steps of 18-30. The fundamental deviation for 'f' shaft is -5.5 D0.41. Tolerance unit \[ s=0.45 \sqrt [3]{D}+0.001D. \] Tolerance for IT7=165 and for IT8=25i. Show all the dimensions on tolerance diagram.
10 M

3 (a) What is the basic characteristics feature of comparator? Give the classification of comparators.
4 M
3 (b) Explain with a neat sketch, the working principle of electrical comparator.
6 M
3 (c) Given the details of angle gauge set and build the following angles
(i) 43°, 35', 36"
(ii) 35°, 29', 42"
5 M
3 (d) What is the maximum angle for which sine bar can be used? Justify your answer referring to relation between error and angle measured.
5 M

4 (a) Sketch and explain the interference fringe pattern for the following surfaces
(i) Surface with scratch at centre
(ii) Surface curved at one corner.
6 M
4 (b) Sketch ans explain the pattern of following error in screw threads
(i) Progressive error
(ii) Periodic error
(iii) Drunkenness error
9 M
4 (c) List any five error that may occur in gears.
5 M

5 (a) With a neat block diagram, explain the generalized measurement system.
10 M
5 (b) Define :-
(i) Accuracy
(ii) Precision
(iii) Sensitivity
(iv) Linearity
4 M
5 (c) Write a note on transducers.
6 M

6 (a) With one example, explain the distinction between intermediate modifying device and terminating device.
4 M
6 (b) Sketch and explain ballast circuit.
8 M
6 (c) With a neat sketch, explain the working of cathode ray oscilloscope
8 M

7 (a) Sketch and explain the working of proving ring.
10 M
7 (b) List the instruments used for low pressure measurement and explain with a neat sketch any on of them.
10 M

8 (a) List the different instruments for measurements of temperature. Explain any one instrument used for high temperature measurement.
10 M
8 (b) Write a note un mounting of strain gauge.
6 M
8 (c) Explain the term 'Gauge Factor'.
4 M

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