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VTU Mechanical Engineering (Semester 4)
Manufacturing Process 2
May 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) With neat sketch, give nomenclature of a single-point-cutting-tool.
7 M
1(b) List various factors affecting tool life. Explain any two of them.
6 M
1(c) In an orthogonal cutting the following observations were made:
(i) Feed = 0.25 mm/rev (ii) Chip thickness = 0.8 mm (iii) Depth of cut = 2 mm (iv) Length of chip-tool contact = 0.5 mm (v) Working rake angle = 0° (vi) Cutting force = 1800 N (vii) Axial thrust, Ft = 900 N
Determine :
  • The mean angle of friction on tool face.
  • The mean shear strength of the work material
  • The maximum frictional stress on tool face.
  • 7 M

    2(a) Explain the three zones of heat generation in metal cutting.
    6 M
    2(b) Briefly explain the desirable properties and purpose of cutting fluids.
    8 M
    2(c) List the various methods of chip-tool interface temperature. Explain briefly tool work thermocouple method of measuring it.
    6 M

    3(a) Differentiate between Capstan and Turret Lathe.
    4 M
    3(b) Ecplain with a neat sketch Crank and slotted link type of Quick return mechanism of a shaper.
    8 M
    3(c) Sketch planning machine and indicating major parts.
    8 M

    4(a) Draw neat sketch of a radial drilling machine and indicating parts.
    6 M
    4(b) Briefly explain absolute co-ordinates system and incremental co-ordinate system used in CNC.
    8 M
    4(c) With simple sketch, explain the following processes: (i) Counter sinking (ii) Trepanning (iii) Reaming.
    6 M

    5(a) Draw a neat sketch of horizontal milling machine and indicating parts.
    8 M
    5(b) What is indexing? Name different methods of indexing. Briefly explain compound indexing method.
    8 M
    5(c) Differentiate between up milling and down milling.
    4 M

    6(a) Explain the factors to be considered for selection of grinding wheels.
    6 M
    6(b) Briefly explain external cylindrical centreless grinding with a neat sketch. Mention the advantages of same over centre-type grinding.
    8 M
    6(c) Explain the following grinding wheel parameters: (i) GRIT (ii) Grade (iii) Structure.
    6 M

    7(a) Explain briefly the Honing process with a neat sketch. State its advantages and disadvantages.?
    10 M
    7(b) Explain with a neat sketch the Lapping process. State its advantages and disadvantages.
    10 M

    8(a) With a neat sketch, explain the electric discharge machining.
    8 M
    8(b) With a schematic diagram, explain the ultrasonic machining process.
    8 M
    8(c) Differentiate between non-conventional machining process and conventional machining processes.
    4 M

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