MU Information Technology (Semester 8)
IT for Health Care
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Today the patient is referred to multiple diagnostics center for different test. Lot of time is wasted in the collection of the reports which delays the treatment of the patient. Give solutions to reduce this delay.
10 M
1 (b) Give 5 situations where information Technology could have been used in saving life of the patient and how?
10 M

2 (a) Design a online Doctor's appointment system of the multispecialty Hospital.
10 M
2 (b) Give all possible IT solutions to monitor critical patient's condition remotely.
10 M

3 (a) How IT can be to reduce adverse conditions in the current climate of care.
10 M
3 (b) What ethics should be followed in Health informatics?
10 M

4 (a) Explain different rules to guide the transformation.
10 M
4 (b) Explain supply chain management in Health domain.
10 M

5 (a) Give Data Management Infrastructure for health care division of the city.
10 M
5 (b) What are reasons for IT strategy failure.
10 M

6 (a) Government of India wishes to collect data from all the citizen of india to decide on national health policy. Give all possible solutions to collect the data.
10 M
6 (b) Discuss advantages of the health Portal and its utilization for better health care.
10 M

7 (a) Explain with eg. How information Technology can reduce cost of health care of a common man.
10 M
7 (b) What online services can be provided for better health care for the citizens?
10 M

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