1 (a)
Write a note on J2EE architecture.
7 M
1 (b)
Which basic java package is used to interact with database? List and explain some commonly used classes of this package.
7 M
2 (a)
Draw RMI reference architecture and explain various components of it.
7 M
Solve any one question from Q2(b) & Q2(c)
2 (b)
Draw and explain JSP page life cycle.
7 M
2 (c)
Draw and explain Servlet life cycle.
7 M
Solve any two question from Q3(a), Q3(b) & Q3(c), Q3(d)
3 (a) (i)
Applet versus Swing.
3 M
3 (a) (ii)
Socket class versus ServerSocket class.
4 M
3 (b)
Write sample deployment descriptor file (web.xml). Explain various configuration parameters of it.
7 M
3 (c)
Write a short note on MVC architecture.
7 M
3 (d)
Explain the concept of Servlet context.
7 M
Solve any two question from Q4(a), Q4(b) & Q4(c), Q4(d)
4 (a)
Enlist and explain usage of various implicit JSP objects.
7 M
4 (b)
Write a note on Hibernate technology.
7 M
4 (c)
Explain usage of JSP Page directive with various attributes of it.
7 M
4 (d)
Explain the concept of object Serialization.
7 M
Solve any two question from Q5(a), Q5(b) & Q5(c), Q5(d)
5 (a)
Write Servlet program to display 'Hello world' on screen.
7 M
5 (b)
Write JDBC program to display contents of tbl_student on screen.
7 M
5 (c)
Write a program to reate HTML form with one text box to enter number in it.
When page is submitted to JSP, it should print entered number is odd or even.
When page is submitted to JSP, it should print entered number is odd or even.
7 M
5 (d)
Write a program to create swing based form for user registration.
7 M
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