SPPU Electrical Engineering (Semester 5)
Industrial and Technology Management
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q.1(a,b) & Q.2(a,b)
1(a) Define management. What are the different functions management? State the importance of management.
5 M
1(b) Differentiate between proprietary firm and partnership firm.
5 M

2(a) Define micro Economics. Explain the concept of supply and elasticity of supply.
5 M
2(b) What are the different types of organization? Explain functional organization.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q.3(a,b) & Q.4(a,b)
3(a) Explain in brief following.
i) Quality circle
ii) Pareto Analysis
6 M
3(b) Differentiate between Administration and management.
4 M

4(a) Explain in brief following:
i) Ethics in technology management
ii) Pokka yoke
iii) Classification of technology
6 M
4(b) Explain the contribution of F.W. Taylor in the field management.
4 M

Solve any one question from Q.5(a,b) & Q.6(a,b)
5(a) What is sales promotion? State its significance along with the advantages and its disadvantages.
5 M
5(b) Define th e concept of financial management. Elaborate the scope of financial management in a business organization.
5 M

6(a) State different types of costs. Explain the same.
5 M
6(b) What is marketing research? State and explain methods of marketing research.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q.7(a,b) & Q.8(a,b)
7(a) Define Leadership. Dexcribe its types. What are their importances?
6 M
7(b) Define Entrepreneur. Explain the different traits of Entrepreneur.
6 M

8(a) State group dynamics theories. What are different types of conflicts?
6 M
8(b) Define motivation. Distinguish between X and Y Theory
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.9(a,b) & Q.10(a,b)
9(a) Explain in brief following
i) HR planning
ii) Training and Developement
iii) Time management
7 M
9(b) What is performance apprasial? State the obejectives and types of performance apprasial.
7 M

10(a) What are the provisions of Labour welfare as per Factories Act 1948?
7 M
10(b) Explain in the brief following.
i) Halo Effect
ii) Professional and Business ethics
7 M

Solve any one question from Q.11(a,b) & Q.12(a,b)
11(a) State the patent Laws, Trade ark, and copy Right laws.
7 M
11(b) What is the Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)?
7 M

12(a) Explain the patent format and structure.
7 M
12(b) State the criteria for securing patents. What are the guidelines of the common IPR policy on patents?
7 M

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