MU Computer Engineering (Semester 7)
Image Processing
December 2011
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Justify/Contradict the following statements:-
1(a) If the energy of the signal is finite its power is zero.
5 M
1(b) Laplacian is better than gradient for detection of edges.
5 M
1(c) Walsh transform is nothing but sequence ordered Hadamard transform matrix.
5 M
1(d) All image compression technique are invertible.
5 M

2(a) Find the following sequence are periodic or not. If yes find the fundamental time period.
ii) x2(n)= 3 sin(1/8)n
10 M
2(b) Obtain linear convolution of two discrete time signals as below
h(n)=anu(n), a<1

Show that:
10 M

3(a) Find the cross correlation between given signal.

5 M
3(b) Find z-transformation of x(n) and draw its ROC

10 M
3(c) Determine auto-correlation of following signal

5 M

4(a) Using 4 point FET algorithm, calculate 2-D DFT of

10 M
4(b) Write 8x8 Hadamard transform matrix and its single flow graph. Using butterfly diagram compute Hadamard Transform for x(n)={1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2}
10 M

5(a) Peform Histogram Equalization and draw new equalised histogram of the following imagedata.

10 M
5(b) What is image segmentation? Explain the following methods of image segmentation.
i) Region Growing
ii) Region Splitting
iii) Thresholding
10 M

6(a) What are the different types of redundancies in digital image? Explain in detail.
10 M
6(b) For the 3 bit 4*4 size image perform following operation.
i) Threshold T=4
ii) Intensity level slicing with background r1=2 and r2=5
iii) Bit plane slicing for MSB and LSB planes
iv) Negation

10 M

Write short notes on (any four):-
7(a) Discrete Cosine Transform
5 M
7(b) Wiener Filter
5 M
7(c) Difference between Low Pass and Median filter.
5 M
7(d) Hough Transform
5 M
7(e) Homomorphic filter
5 M
7(f) 4,8,m connectivity of image pixels
5 M

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