GTU Civil Engineering (Semester 3)
Geotechnics & Applied Geology
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Short Questions
1(a) State the Darcy's Law.
1 M
1(b) When are you addressing the sediments as ''Quick Sand''.
1 M
1(c) Which parameter controls the coefficient of permeability in a soil?
1 M
1(d) What does Liquidity Index indicate?
1 M
1(e) Which clay mineral show swelling property?
1 M
1(f) State the Hardness of Apatite.
1 M
1(g) What is the significance of particle-size analysis?
1 M
1(h) Which soil can have more adsorbed water?
1 M
1(i) State the volcanic equivalent of Granite?
1 M
1(j) Which age rocks occupy the core of Anticline?
1 M
1(k) Is Colour and Lustre of Haematite same or different? State the reason.
1 M
1(l) What is the process involved when Feldspar changes into Kaolinite; when decomposition takes place?
1 M
1(m) What are the factors controlling the landslides?
1 M
1(n) Which silicate structure Quartz family crystallizes?
1 M

2(a) A coarse grained soil has a void ratio of 0.78 and specific gravity as 2.67. Calculate the critical gradient.
3 M
2(b) Discuss briefly the scope of Geotechnical engineering in relation to Civil Engineering.
4 M
Solved any one question from Q.2(c) & Q.2(d)
2(c) How to identify the different soils in the field?
7 M
2(d) Discuss the structure of different Soils
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.3 & Q.4
3(a) Describe the soils of Gujarat State
3 M
3(b) Define Permeability. Discuss the factors affecting the permeability of the soils.
4 M
3(c) The consistency limits of clay are: Liquid limit=52 %; Plastic limits=30 % and shrinkage limit=18 %. If a specimen shrinks from a volume of 39.5 cm3 , at liquid limit; to a volume of 24.2 cm3 , at shrinkage limit. Calculate true specific gravity, and shrinkage ratio?
7 M

4(a) Derive γd=&gammab/(1+w)
3 M
4(b) Explain Laplace (2-D Flow) equation for permeability of a soil
4 M
4(c) An undisturbed soil sample has total wt of 2060grams, volume of 2000cc, water content =11 % and specific gravity =2.68. Compute (i) Void ratio, (ii) porosity, (iii) degree of Saturation, (iv) Water content to make sample fully saturated and (v) Efficient unit weight of soil sample.
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.5 & Q.6
5(a) On what basis are the silicate minerals classified? Give with the examples.
3 M
5(b) Discuss the tabular classification of igneous rocks.
4 M
5(c) Define metamorphism. Explain different types of Metamorphism. State 4 metamorphic rocks and how are they formed?
7 M

6(a) Define Weathering and discuss the process involved in chemical weathering.
3 M
6(b) Discuss the interior of Earth.
4 M
6(c) Define the plate tectonic theory. Explain the convergent boundary margin with diagram
7 M

Solved any one question from Q.7 & Q.8
7(a) What is a geological time scale? Indicate its purpose.
3 M
7(b) Distinguish between the Pairs; a. Strike and dip; b. Normal and reverse faults;
4 M
7(c) What are folds? How they are formed? Describe with neat sketches the different types of folds. Add note on the engineering significance of folds.
7 M

8(a) Define aquifer? How are they formed and classified?
3 M
8(b) Define spatial, spectral and radiometric resolutions. Discuss their importance in remote sensing applications.
4 M
8(c) Describe the important geological conditions for driving in tunnel and underground excavations. Discuss the geological problems.
7 M

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