SPPU Information Technology (Semester 3)
Fundamentals of Data Structures
May 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer any one question from Q1 and Q2
1 (a) Explain entry controlled loop structures in C.
4 M
1 (b) Write pseudo C/C++ algorithm to concatenate two strings using pointers without using library functions.
4 M
1 (c) Explain any four bitwise operators in C with example.
4 M

2 (a) Explain use of pointer to array of structure with suitable example.
4 M
2 (b) Explain different storage classes in C.
6 M
2 (c) Write use of void data type.
2 M

Answer any one question from Q3 and Q4
3 (a) Explain Big-oh, omega and theta notation with example.
6 M
3 (b) Sort the following list in ascending order using bubble sort. Show all passes. Analyze time complexity.
9, 7, -2, 4, 5, 3, -6, 2, 1, 8.
6 M

4 (a) Write different types of data structures. Give one example of each type.
6 M
4 (b) Sort the following list using merge sort
38, 27, 43, 3, 9, 82, 11, 10
4 M
4 (c) Compare linear and binary search.
2 M

Answer any one question from Q5 and Q6
5 (a) What is recursion ? Explain role of stack in recursion. Write recursive function to add digits of a given positive integer.
6 M
5 (b) Write a C/C++ function to add two sparse matrices. Analyse its time complexity.
6 M
5 (c) Write address calculation for elements of one dimensional array.
2 M

6 (a) Write pseudo C/C++ algorithm to find transpose of sparse matrix using fast transpose algorithm.
6 M
6 (b) Explain row and column major storage representation of two dimensional array.
6 M
6 (c) Write a non-recursive algorithm to find factorial of a positive number.
2 M

Answer any one question from Q7 and Q8
7 (a) Write a C/C++ program to create singly inked list of integers and display it forward.
6 M
7 (b) Write node structure and represent following list using generalized linked list.
(A, B, (C, D, E), F, (G, H, (I, J), K), L)
4 M
7 (c) Write advantages of linked memory organization.
2 M

8 (a) Write pseudo C/C++ algorithm to add two sorted polynomials represented by SLL.
6 M
8 (b) What is generalized list ? Give node structure to represent multi variable polynomial using GLL.
4 M
8 (c) Write advantages of circular singly linked list over a linear linked list.
2 M

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