SPPU Civil Engineering (Semester 6)
Foundation Engineering
May 2017
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q.1 &Q.2
1 Define boring. Explain in detail percussion drilling.
7 M

2 With neat sketch, discuss pressure meter test.
7 M

Solve any one question from Q.3 &Q.4
3 The results of plate of load test for settlement of 20 mm are as given below.
Plate Width (m) Load (kN)
0.3 50
0.6 190

Determine the width of square footing to carry a load of 1500 KN for permissible settlement of 20 mm.
6 M

4 Enlist the limitations of plate load test.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.5 &Q.6(a,b)
5 With neat sketch, explain the procedure for determination of pre consolidation pressure.
7 M

6(a) Define:
i) normally consolidated soil
ii) over consolidated soil
iii) under consolidated soil
3 M
6(b) A clay layer sanwiched between two previous layer, reached 50% consolidation in two years. Calculate the time required for 50% consolidation of same clay layer, if it is between imprevious rock at bottom and pervious layer at top.
4 M

Solve any one question from Q.7(a,b,c) &Q.8(a,b,c)
7(a) Explain cyclic pile load test in detail.
6 M
7(b) Write a note on:
i) methods for installation of piers
ii) Negative skin friction in piles
6 M
7(c) Explain the procedures for calculation of the capacity of single pile by static method.
6 M

8(a) A group of piles consists of 15 piles arranged in three rows and five columns. Compute the effifciency of pile group by Feld's rule.
6 M
8(b) What is Caission disease? How it is controlled?
6 M
8(c) Explain different components of well foundation with neat sketch.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.9(a,b,c) &Q.10(a,b,c)
9(a) Explain any five methods for anchorage of sheet pile.
5 M
9(b) Explain with sketches:
i) free earth support
ii) fixed earth support
iii) cantilever sheet pile
iv) anchored sheet pile
8 M
9(c) Explain situation in which under reamed piles are required.
3 M

10(a) Explain 'vibroflotation technique' of soil improvement.
6 M
10(b) What are the engineering problems associated with black cotton soil>
4 M
10(c) Discuss any two test to determine the swelling potential of black cotton soil.
6 M

Solve any one question from Q.11(a,b,c) &Q.12(a,b,c)
11(a) Define:
i) Epicenter
ii) Focus
iii) Focal depth
iv) Epicentral distance. Draw a neat sketch.
6 M
11(b) Enlsit the types of geosynthetics and explain any two in detail.
6 M
11(c) Explain with neat sketch, the mechanism of reinforcement of soil.
4 M

12(a) What do you mean by 'Liquefaction'? What are its effects on built environment?
6 M
12(b) Discuss the use geosynthetics in road pavements.
6 M
12(c) Differentiate between P-waves and S-waves.
4 M

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