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Total marks: --
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(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Choose the correct answer:

(i) The general solution of the equation x2p2+3xyp+2y2=0 is _______ (a) (y2xc)(xyc)=0(b) (xyc)(x2+y2c)=0(c) (xyc)(x2yc)=0(d) (yxc)(x2+y2+c)=0

ii) The given differential equation is solvable for y, if it is possible to express y in terms of _______
(a) y and p
(b) x and p
(c) x and y
(d) y and x

iii) The singular solution of Clairaut's equation is ________
(a) y=xg(x)+f[g(x)]
(b) y=cx+f(c)
(c) cy + f(c)
(d) y g2 (x) + f [g(x)]

iv) The singular solution of the equation y=px-log p is ________ (a) y2=4ax(b) x=1logx(c) y=1log(1x)(d) x2=ylogx
4 M
1 (b) Solve p2-2p sin h x-1=0
4 M
1 (c) Solve y=2px+ tan-1 (xp2)
6 M
1 (d) Obtain the general solution and singular solution of Clairaut's equation is (y-px)(p-1)=p
6 M

2 (a) Choose the correct answer:

(i)The complementary function of [D4+4]x=0 is ________ (a) x=e4[c1cost+c2sint]+e1[c3cott+c4sint](b) x=[c1cost+c2sint]+[c3cost+c4sint](c) x=[c1+c2t]et(d) x=[c1+c2t]et
Find the particular integral of (D3-3D2+4)y=e2x is _______ (a) x2e2x6(b) x2e3x6(c) x2ex6(d) x2e4x6

iii) Roots of d2ydx2+4dydx+5y=0 are ________(a) 2±i(b) 3±i(c) 2±2i(d) 2±i iv) Find the particular integral of (D3 + 4D)y=sin 2x is ________ (a) xsinx8(b) xsinx8(c) xsin2x8(d) xsin2x8
4 M
2 (b) Solve d2ydx3+6d2ydx2+11dydx+6y=ex+1
4 M
2 (c) Solve d2ydx24y=cosh(2x1)+3x
6 M
2 (d) Solve dydx+y=zex, dzdx+z=y+ex
6 M

3 (a) Choose the correct answer:

(i) The Wronskian x and x ex is ________
(a) ex
(b) e2x
(c) e-2x
(d) e-x
(ii) The complementary function of x2y"-xy'-3y=x2 log x is ________
(a) c1 cos (log x) + c2 sin (log x)

(b) c1 x-1+c2x
(c) c1x+c2x3
(d) c1 cosx +c2 sin x
iii) To transform (1+x)2y"+ (1+x)y'+y=2 sin log(1+x) into a linear differential equation with constant coefficient ________
(a) (1+x)=et
(b) (1+x)=e-t
(c) (1+x)2=et
(d) (1-x)2=et
iv) The equation a0(ax+b)2y"+a1(ax+b)y'+a2y=ϕ(x) is _________
(a) Simulataneous equation
(b) Cauchy's linear equation
(c) Legendre linear equation
(d) Euler's equation
4 M
3 (b) Using the variation of parameters method to solve the equation y"+2y'+y=e-x log x.
6 M
3 (c) Solve x2d2ydx2(2m1)xdydx+(m2+n2)y=n2xmlogx
6 M
3 (d) Obtain the Frobenius method solve the equation xd2ydx2+dydxy=0
6 M

4 (a) i) Partial differential equation by eliminating a and b from the relation Z=(x-a)2+(y-b)2 is ________
(a) p2q2=4z
(b) pq=4z
(c) r=4z
(d) t=4
ii) The Lagrange's linear partial differential equation Pp+Qq=R the subsidiary equation is _______ (a) dxR=dyP=dzQ(b) dxP=dyQ=dzR(c) dxQ=dyR=dzP(d) dxP+dyQ+dzR iii) By the method mof separation of variable we seek a solution in the form is _______
(a) x=x+y
(b) z= x2+y2
(c) x=z+y
(d) x=x(x)y(y)
iv) The solution of 2zx2=sin(xy) is(a) z=x2sin(xy)+y f(x)+ϕ(x)(b) sin(xy)y+x f(y)+ϕ(y)(c) z=sinxyx2+yf(x)+ϕ(x)(d) None of these
4 M
4 (b) From the partial differential equation of all sphere of radius 3 units having their centre in the xy-plane.
4 M
4 (c) Solve x(y2+z)py(x2+z)=z(x2y2)
6 M
4 (d) Use the method of seperation of variable to solve y3zx+x2zy=0
6 M

5 (a) Choose the correct answer:

(i) The value of 10x20ey/xdydx is ______ (a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 3
(d) 1/2
ii) The value of ? (1/2) is _______ (a) 2π(b) π/2(c) π(d) 2x
(iii) The integral a0ayxx2+y2dxdy after changing the order of integration is _______ (a) a0x0dydx(b) a0x0xx2+y2dxdy(c) x0x0xx2+y2dxdy(d) x0a0xx2+y2dxdy
iv) The value of β (3, 1/2) is ________ (a) 1516(b) 1615(c) 165(d) 163
4 M
5 (b) Change the order of integration in 4a0azx24xdydx and hence evaluate the same.
4 M
5 (c) Evaluate ccbbaa(x2+y2+z2)dx dy dz
6 M
5 (d) Prove that 10x21x4dxx1011+xdx=π42
6 M

6 (a) Let S be the closed boundary surface of a region of volume V then for a vector field of difined in V and S ∫s f.nds is ________
(a) ∫v curl of dv
(b) ∫v f dv
(c) ∫v grad dv
(d) None of these
If cf.dr where f=3xyˆiy2ˆj and C is the part of the parabola y=2x2 from the region (0, 0) to the point (1, 2) is _______
(a) 7/6
(b) -7/6
(c) 3x+3y
(d) -35
iii) In the Green's theorem in the plane cMdx+Ndy=________ (a) 
iv) A necessary and sufficient condition that the line integral \int_c \overrightarrow{F}.d\overrightarrow{r} for any closed curve C is _______ (a) \ div \overrightarrow{F}=0 \\(b) \ div \overrightarrow{F} e 0 \\(c) \ curl \overrightarrow{F} =0 \\(d) \ grad \overrightarrow{F}=0
4 M
6 (b) Using the divergence theorem, evaluate \int_c f.nds \ where \ f=4xz\widehat{i}- y^2 \widehat{j}+ yz\widehat{k} and S is the surface of the cube bounded by x=0, x=1, y=0, y=1, z=0, z=1.
4 M
6 (c) Use the Green's theorem, evaluate \iint_c (2x^2 - y^2)dx + (x^2 + y^2)dy where C is the triangle formed by the lines x=0, y=0 and x+y=1.
6 M
6 (d) Verify the Stoke's theorem for f=-y^3 \widehat{i}+ x^3 \widehat{j} where S is the circle disc x2+y2 ≤ 1, z=0.
6 M

7 (a) Choose the correct answer:

(i)\ L\{\sinh at \}= \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \\ (a) \ \dfrac {s}{s^2 -a^2} \\ (b) \ \dfrac {s}{s}{s^2 + a^2} \\ (c) \ \dfrac {a}{s^2 -a^2} \\ (d) \ \dfrac {a}{s^2 +a^2}
ii) if L{f(t)}=F(s) then L{eatf(t)} is _______ (a) F(s+a)
(b) F(s-a)
(c) F(s)
(d) None of these
iii) \ L\left \{ \dfrac {e^t \sin t}{t} \right \} \\(a) \ \dfrac {\pi}{2}+ \tan^{-1}(s-1) \\(b) \ \dfrac {\pi}{2}+ \tan^{-1}s \\ (c) \ \dfrac {\pi}{2}- \cot^{-1}s \\(d) \ \cot^{-1}(s-1)
iv) Transform of unit step function L{u(t-a)} is, ______ (a)\ \dfrac {e^{as}}{s} \\(b) \ \dfrac {e^{-s}}{s} \\(c) \ \dfrac {e^{2s}}{s} \\(d) \ \dfrac {e^{-as}}{s}
4 M
7 (b) Evaluate \ L\left \{ 3^t + \dfrac {\cos 2t - \cos 3t}{t}+ t \sin t \right \}
4 M
7 (c) Find the Laplace transform of the triangular wave, given by f(t)= \left\{\begin{matrix}t &0 & and \ f(t+2c)= f(t) \\2C-1 &C<1<2C & \ \end{matrix}\right.
6 M
7 (d) Express \ f(t) = \left\{\begin{matrix}\cos t &if 0<1<\pi \\\cos 2t & if \pi < t< 2\pi \\\cos 3t & if \ t> 2\pi \end{matrix}\right. in terms of unit step function and hence find L{f(t)}
6 M

8 (a) Choose the correct answer:

L^{-1} \left \{ \cot^{-1} \left ( \dfrac {s}{a} \right ) \right \} = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \\(a) \ \dfrac {\sin t}{t} \\(b) \ \dfrac {\sin at}{t} \\(c) \ \dfrac {\sinh at}{t} \\(d) \ \dfrac {\sinh t}{t} (ii) \ L^{-1} \left \{ \dfrac {1}{4s^2 -36} \right \}= \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \\(a) \ \dfrac {\cosh 6t}{4} \\(b) \ \dfrac {\sin 3t}{12} \\(c) \ \dfrac{\sinh 3t}{12} \\(d) \ \dfrac{\cosh 3t}{6}\\ iii) \ L^{-1}\left \{ \dfrac {1}{s(s^2 +a^2)} \right \} = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\ \\(a) \ \dfrac {1-\cos at}{a^2} \\(b) \ \dfrac {1+ \cos at}{a^2} \\(c) \ \dfrac {1- \sin at}{a^2} \\(d) \ \dfrac {1+ \sin 3t}{6} (iv) \ L^{-1} \left \{ \dfrac {s^2 - 3s +4}{s^4} \right \} = \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\ \\(a)\ 1-3t + 2t^3 \\(b) \ 1+ \dfrac {t^2}{3} \\(c) \ t+ \dfrac {3}{2}+ 1 \\(d) \ t-\dfrac {3}{2}t^2 + \dfrac {2}{3} t^3
4 M
8 (b) Find \ L^{-1} \left \{ \dfrac{3s+7}{s^2 - 2s -3} \right \}
4 M
8 (c) Using Convolution theorem evaluate L^{-1} \left \{ \dfrac{1} {(s+1)(s^2+4)}\right \}
6 M
8 (d) Solve \ \dfrac {d^2y}{dt} + 5 \dfrac {dy}{dt} + 6y = 5e^{2t} \ given \ that \ y(0)= 2, \ \dfrac {dy(0)}{dt}=1 by using Laplace transform method.
6 M

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