MU Civil Engineering (Semester 3)
Engineering Geology
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Define the following
1(a)(i) Focus and Epicenter
1 M
1(a)(ii) Core
1 M
1(a)(iii) Rudaceousrock
1 M
1(a)(iv) Cleavage
1 M
1(a)(ix) Dip and strike
1 M
1(a)(v) Basic rock
1 M
1(a)(vi) Metamorphic agents
1 M
1(a)(vii) Natural and Mecanical joints
1 M
1(a)(viii) Era
1 M
1(a)(x) Hade
1 M
1(b) Name the following rocks or minerals with thelp of given properties.
i) Plutonic and acidic rock,
graphic texture,
major mineralsorthoclase
iii) Volcanic rock,
presence of amygdals.
iii) Shows foliation,
major mineral-mica
iv) Sopy feeling,
v) Taste- Saline,
chem. Composition-Nacl
5 M
1(c) Write the name of the following features.
i) Basin shaped igneous intrusion
ii) Conc shaped water table
iii) Sedimentary rocks in between lava flows
iv) S shaped river
v) Valley made by normal faults
5 M

2(a) Describe the types and importance of weathering with examples.
5 M
2(b) What are different types of volcanoes and volcanic products?
5 M
2(c) Explain the geological action of wind with landforms.
10 M

3(i) Describe the causes and various types of folds with diagrams.
10 M
3(ii) Explain the formation and different types of unconformity.
5 M
3(iii) How are columnar and mural joints are formed?
5 M

4(a) Explain the various structures of secondary rocks with diagrams.
10 M
4(b) Discuss about zones of groundwater, water bearing properties of rocks and factors controlling the movement of water in rocks.
10 M

5(i) State the importance of geological structures during the construction of dam.
10 M
5(ii) Mention the precautionary measures in earthquake prone arreas during construction of building.
5 M
5(iii) Write the classification and importance of Deccan traps.
5 M

write a short note any five Q6.(a,b,c,d,e,f,g ,h)
6(a) Parallel and step fault
5 M
6(b) Ropy and blocky lava
5 M
6(c) Solifluction and creep
5 M
6(d) Cataclastic structure
5 M
6(e) Porphyritic texture
5 M
6(f) Crag and Tail
5 M
6(g) Core recovery ,
RQD and drill water
5 M
6(h) Geological properties of building stones
5 M

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