AU First Year Engineering (Semester 1)
Engineering Chemistry 1
May 2013
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 what is alkalinity? What are its types?
2 M

2 What is reverse osmosis?
2 M

3 What is vulcanization? What is its use?
2 M

4 Give the structure of (a) nylon 6,6 and (b) butyl rubber.
2 M

5 What is an isotherm? What are its types?
2 M

6 What is an adsorbent?
2 M

7 What is a fuel cell? What are its advantages?
2 M

8 What is a breeder reactor?
2 M

9 Define refractoriness.
2 M

10 Differentiate SWNT and MWNT.
2 M

Answer any one question from Q11. (a) & Q11. (b)
11.(a)(i) Define hardness. How is it determined?
10 M
11.(a)(ii) Give a brief note on the disadvnatages of using hard water in boilers.
6 M
11.(b)(i) What is internal conditioning? What are the various methods of internal conditioning? Explain.
10 M
11.(b)(ii) Write a note on demineralization process.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q12. (a) & Q12. (b)
12.(a)(i) distinguish between addition and condensation polymerization.
10 M
12.(a)(ii) What are composites? Explain its carious types.
6 M
12.(b)(i) What is the free radical polymerization? Explain the mechanism in detail.
12 M
12.(b)(ii) Write a note on polyurethanes.
4 M

Answer any one question from Q13. (a) & Q13. (b)
13.(a)(i) Explain the Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism and explain the isotherm and cases in detail.
12 M
13.(a)(ii) Write a note on Freundlich isotherm.
4 M
13.(b)(i) Discuss the role of a adsorbents in catalysis.
10 M
13.(b)(ii) Write about ion-exchange adsorption process.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q14. (a) & Q14. (b)
14.(a)(i) What is a nuclear reactor? Explain the process of power generation using a neat diagram.
12 M
14.(a)(ii) Write a note on lithium batteries.
4 M
14.(b)(i) What are solar cells? What are the challenges involved in the conversion of solar energy into useful energy?
10 M
14.(b)(ii) Explain the mechanism of hydrogen oxygen fuel cell.
6 M

Answer any one question from Q15. (a) & Q15. (b)
15.(a)(i) Explain the following:
Natural and synthetic abrasives
8 M
15.(a)(ii) Refractories and their properties
8 M
15.(b)(i) Write a note on the following:
(i) Mechanism of lubrication
8 M
15.(b)(ii) Applications of nanomaterials.
8 M

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