1 (a)
What are the advantages disadvantages of renewable and non renewable and non renewable energy sources?
5 M
1 (b)
What is calorific value? Compare biofuels with petroleum fuels in terms of calorific value.
5 M
1 (c)
Explain with neat sketch, working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler
10 M
2 (a)
Explain briefly the principle of conversion of solar energy directly on to electrical energy in a solar cell
10 M
2 (b)
Write a short note on wind energy and its conversion
10 M
3 (a)
Differentiate between reaction and impulse turbines
5 M
3 (b)
With neat sketch explain the working of Pelton wheel
10 M
3 (c)
Differentiate between petrol engine and diesel engine
5 M
4 (a)
With neat sketch explain working of 4 stroke diesel engine
10 M
4 (b)
With neat sketch explain the working of closed cycle gas turbine
6 M
4 (c)
Define : Thermal efficiency and mechanical efficiency of IC engine
4 M
5 (a)
Name the various operation carried out on lathe. Explain taper turning by swivelling compound rest.
8 M
5 (b)
What is milling? With neat sketch explain end milling and plane milling operation
6 M
5 (c)
Differentiate between i) Counter sinking and counter boring ii) Reaming and Boring
6 M
6 (a)
Define Robot, write the classification based on robot physical configuration, write down the applications of industrial robot
8 M
6 (b)
What is automation ? Explain the types of automation with examples
7 M
6 (c)
With block diagram explain basic components of NC system
5 M
7 (a)
What are ferrous metal? Write a note on stainless steel. Write down its application
8 M
7 (b)
Differentiate between ferrous and non ferrous materials
6 M
7 (c)
What is soldering? Classify soldering process
6 M
8 (a)
Define welding. Explain electric are welding process. Write down its demerits
8 M
8 (b)
Differentiate between welding. Brazing and soldering
6 M
8 (c)
Define composite materials, write down its practical applications
6 M
9 (a)
What are the required properties of good refrigerant?
6 M
9 (b)
With neat sketch explain the working of vapour compression refrigeration system.
10 M
9 (c)
What is a air conditioning? Why it is necessary?
4 M
10 (a)
Define : i) Refrigeration effect ii) Unit of Refrigeration iii) COP of Refrigeration
6 M
10 (b)
List the commonly used refrigerants
4 M
10 (c)
Explain with neat sketch the principle of room air conditioner
10 M
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