MU Electronics Engineering (Semester 5)
Electromagnetic Engineering
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any four:
1 (a) State and explain Coulomb's law.
5 M
1 (b) Derive Poisson's and Laplace equation.
5 M
1 (c) What is intrinsic impedance of free space?
5 M
1 (d) Define directive gain and directivity with respective antenna. An antenna has a directivity of 20 and a radiation efficiency of 90% compute the gain in dBs.
5 M
1 (e) Find out the divergence and curl of the following function. \[ \overline{A}=2xy\overline{ax}+(x^2z)\overline{ay}+z^3 \overline {az} \]
5 M

2 (a) Given the potentials V=2x2y-5xz and a point P(-4, 3, 6) find V,E,D and e, at point P.
10 M
2 (b) Derive boundary conditions for electric fields at the boundary of two dielectric media.
10 M

3 (a) Derive Maxwell's integral and point form equations for time varying fields.
10 M
3 (b) Prove \(\nabla, \overline{D} = e_v.\)
10 M

4 (a) In a media characterized by σ=0, μ=μ0 and ε=ε0 \[ \overline{E}=20 \sin (10^8 t-\beta z)\overline {ay} \ \text{v/m.} \text{ find}\beta \text{ and }\overline {H}. \]
10 M
4 (b) Derive the expression for the reflection and transmission coefficients in case of reflection from perfect dielectric at oblique incidence.
10 M

5 (a) Explain in detail MOM method also state advantage and drawback of it.
10 M
5 (b) State and derive the Poynting theorem and describe the significance of each term.
10 M

6 (a) What is line of sight propagation? Obtain the expression for range of line of sight for space wave propagation in terms of antenna's transmitting and receiving heights.
10 M
6 (b) Explain ground wave, space wave propagations.
10 M
6 (c) Derive an expression for radiation resistance of an small loop antenna. Explain its significance.
10 M

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