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SPPU Computer Engineering (Semester 5)
Database Management Systems Applications
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question from Q1 and Q2
1 (a) Construct an E-R diagram for a Banking Database System. Consider various entities such as Account, Customer, Branch, Loan, Deposit, Borrower etc. Design Specialization and Generalization EER features.
5 M
1 (b) List significant differences between a file-processing system and a DBMS.
5 M

2 (a) Define Normalization. Explain 2ND Normal Form with suitable example.
5 M
2 (b) Consider Following Relational Tables:
person(pname, street, city)
works_for(pname, cname, salary)
company(cname, city)
manages(pname, mname)
Solve following quries using SQL
i) Find the street and city of all employees who work for the Appolo, live in Pune, and earn more than Rs. 50,000.
ii) Create a view consisting of the manager name and the average salary of all employees who work for that manager.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q3 and Q4
3 (a) Explain the need for concurrency control in transaction management.
5 M
3 (b) Design following queries using MongoDB
i) Create a collection called 'games'.
ii) Add 5 games to the database. Give each document the following properties: {name, gametype, rating (out of 100)}.
iii) Write a query that returns all the games.
iv) Write a query that returns the 3 highest rated games.
v) Update your two favorite games to add two achievements called 'Game Master' and 'Speed Demon'.
5 M

Write a short note (Any Two:)
4 (a) Map Reduce Function.
5 M
4 (b) Log based Recovery.
5 M
4 (c) CAP and BASE theorem.
5 M

Solve any one question from Q5 and Q6
5 (a) Explain Client Server Architecture with suitable database application.
5 M
5 (b) Define Distributed Database. Explain advantages and disadvantages of Distributed Databases.
5 M
5 (c) Explain Two Phase Commit Protocol in Distributed Databases. How 3 PC is different than 2PC.
7 M

6 (a) Explain Transaction Servers and Data Servers.
5 M
6 (b) Describe Sharding in MongoDB.
5 M
6 (c) Explain Shared Nothing and Shared Memory Parallel Database system Architectures.
7 M

Solve any one question from Q7 and Q8
7 (a) What is JSON? Explain JSON schema with example.
5 M
7 (b) What is Hadoop? Explain Components of Hadoop.
5 M
7 (c) Explain DTD and XML schemas with suitable example.
7 M

8 (a) Explain is HIVE Database and HIVE Query Language in detail.
5 M
8 (b) Write a short note on R Programming.
5 M
8 (c) Explain Xquery and FLWOR Expressions with suitable example.
7 M

Solve any one question from Q9 and Q10
9 (a) What is BIS? Explain Components of BIS.
5 M
9 (b) Compare OLTP vs OLAP.
5 M
9 (c) Define Data Mining. Explain various Data Mining tasks with suitable Example.
6 M

10 (a) Explain Recommendation System with suitable example.
5 M
10 (b) Explain Regression with example.
5 M
10 (c) Explain k-means clustering algorithm with suitable example.
6 M

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