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MU Computer Engineering (Semester 4)
Database Management Systems
May 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Explain BCNF with example.
5 M
1(b) Write short note on Deadlocks.
5 M
1(c) Explain Total and partial Participation.
5 M
1(d) Discuss the role of Database Administrator.
5 M

2(a) Discuss steps in query processing. Also describe cost based query optimization.
10 M
2(b) Draw an ER Diagram and convert it into relational model for a Company, which has several Employees working on different types of projects. Several Employees are working for one Department every Department has a Manager. Several Employees are supervised by one Employee.
10 M

3(a) Explain types of integrity constraints with example.
10 M
3(b) Discuss Data definition and Manipulation Commands in SQL.
10 M

4(a) Describe the overall architecture of DBMS with suitable diagram.
10 M
4(b) Explain Security and Authorization in DBMS.
10 M

5(a) Explain the following Relational Algebra Operations with example:
    i. Natural Join
    ii. Set Intersection
    iii. Generalized Projection
    iv. Division Operator
10 M
5(b) Explain Assertions and Triggers in detail.
10 M

Write Short notes on
6(a) ACID properties
5 M
6(b) Shadow Paging
5 M
6(c) Specialization and Generalization
5 M
6(d) Aggregate Functions in SQL.
5 M

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