RGPV Computer Science (Semester 5)
Database Management System
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) Why is the hierarchical data model considered inflexible
2 M
1(b) Differentiate the term data, information and knowledge.
2 M
1(c) What is weak entity set and strong entity set?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.1(d) & Q.1(e)
1(d) Discuss the three level architecture of DBMS. Explain how does it lead to data independence.
7 M
1(e) Construct an ER-Diagram for hospital with a set of patients and a set of medical doctors. Associate with each patient a log of the various tests and examinations conducted.
7 M

2(a) Differentiate between Relational calculus and relational algebra.
2 M
2(b) State two integrity rules.
2 M
2(c) What are the various types of inner join operators? Why theta join is required?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.2(d) & Q.2(e)
2(d) Explain the characteristics of relation. Also explain the relational databases.
7 M
2(e) What are DDL, DML and DCL? Differentiate among the three and give one command for each of these.
7 M

3(a) What do you mean by the terms loss-less decomposition?
2 M
3(b) What is multivalued dependencies?
2 M
3(c) Write a brief notes on trivial and non trivial dependencies.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.3(d) & Q.3(e)
3(d) Prove that a relation which is 4NF must be in BCNF.
7 M
3(e) What is normalization? Justify the need for normalization with examples.
7 M

4(a) What is web databases?
2 M
4(b) Compare OODBMS and DBMS
2 M
4(c) What are challenges in designing object-oriented data bases? Discuss.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.4(d) & Q.4(e)
4(d) What problems occur in the database when transaction do not satisfy ACIS properties? Explain explicitly using suitable examples
7 M
4(e) Explain the significance of multimedia and mobile database. Also give two examples for each.
7 M

5(a) What is inline queries? Where it is used?
2 M
5(b) How the "GROUP BY" clause works?
2 M
5(c) Differentiate between Implicit and Explicit cursor.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.5(d) & Q.5(e)
5(d) What is Triggers? Write various types of triggers.
7 M
5(e) What is PL/SQL exception handling and why it is needed?
7 M

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