1 (a)
Explain Asymptotic Notations.
3 M
1 (b)
What is linked list? State the advantages of linked list.
3 M
1 (c)
Define Double Ended queue. List the variants of Double ended queue.
3 M
1 (d)
Define Graph. List its types with example.
3 M
1 (e)
State the properties of Red Black Tree.
3 M
1 (f)
Explain with example.
i) Degree of tree
ii) Height of tree
i) Degree of tree
ii) Height of tree
3 M
1 (g)
Distinguish between linear data structure and non linear data structure.
2 M
2 (a)
Write a program to implement STACK ADT using array.
10 M
2 (b)
Write an algorithm to implement Quick sort. Explain with an example.
10 M
3 (a)
Define binary search tree. Write algorithm to implement insertion ad deletion operation.
10 M
3 (b)
Give an INFIX expression and write a program to convert in POSTFIX expression.
10 M
4 (a)
Write a program to sort an array using insertion sort algorithm.
10 M
4 (b)
What is AVL tree? Construct AVL tree using following sequence of data:
16, 27, 9, 11, 36, 54, 81, 63, 72
16, 27, 9, 11, 36, 54, 81, 63, 72
10 M
5 (a)
Find the minimum spanning tree for the given graph using Kruksal's algorithm. Also find its cost with all intermediate steps..
10 M
5 (b)
Write functions to implement insert () and traverse () of singly linked list.
10 M
6 (a)
Write algorithm to traverse a graph using:
i) Breadth First Search
ii) Depth First Search.
i) Breadth First Search
ii) Depth First Search.
10 M
6 (b)
What is priority queue? Give implementation of it.
10 M
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