Convert the binary number 110 100 111 101 to octal.
2 M
Draw a flow chart to find biggest of two number.
2 M
List different data types available in c.
2 M
Write a C program to find factorial of a given number using iteration.
2 M
Write example code to declare two dimensional array
2 M
List any four string handling functions .
2 M
Define Recursion.
2 M
What is the difference between pass by value and pass by reference
2 M
What is the purpose of Unions in C?
2 M
What is the use of preprocessor directives?
2 M
11. (a) (i)
Discuss about Generation of digital computer.
10 M
11. (a) (ii
Draw a flow chart to find factorial of a number.
6 M
11. (b) (i)
Explain the basic organization of a computer.
10 M
11. (b) (ii
Draw a flow chart to find sum first 100 natural numbers.
6 M
12. (a) (i)
Write a program to check whether a given number is prime or not .
8 M
12. (a) (ii
Write a C program to find sum of digits of an integer.
8 M
12. (b) (i)
Write a C program to find roots of a quadratic equation
8 M
12. (b) (ii
Differentiate entry and exit checked conditional constructs with an example.
8 M
13. (a) (i)
Explain the concept of pass by reference with suitable example.
8 M
13. (a) (ii
Write a C program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
8 M
13. (b) (i)
Write a C program to swap the content of two variables using pointers.
8 M
13. (b) (ii
Explain the use of pointers in arrays with suitable example
8 M
14. (a)
Write a C program to arrange the numbers in ascending order.
16 M
14. (b)
Write a C program to subtract two matrices and display the resultant matrix.
16 M
15. (a)
Explain the concept of storage classes with suitable example
16 M
15. (b)
Write a C program to store the employee information using structure and search a particular employee using Employee number.
16 M
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