MU Electronics Engineering (Semester 7)
Computer Communication Networks
December 2013
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Answer Briefly (any four)
1 (a) What is meant by data transparency? How is it implemented in HDLC protocol?
5 M
1 (b) What is the difference between congestion control and flow control?
5 M
1 (c) Explain various network topologies
5 M
1 (d) Compare OSI model with TCP/IP model.
5 M
1 (e) List and explain the functions of data link layer.
5 M

2 (a) Explain OSI reference model architecture for a network with two intermediate nodes and a neat diagram. Also explain the functions of each layer. Name the layer responsible for
i. End to end reliability
ii. Link to link reliability
8 M
2 (b) What is meant by flow control? Discuss the different flow control methods with neat diagram.
8 M
2 (c) Explain different ARQ techniques.
4 M

3 (a) Explain ADSL with respect to channel configuration and modulation technique.
8 M
3 (b) What are transmission impairments? Explain.Compare co-axial cable, optical fiber cable with respect to transmission characteristics, data rate, applications and bandwidth.
8 M
3 (c) List the categories of UTP cables. How is noise ? interference minimized in twisted pair cables.
4 M

4 (a) With respect to HDLC protocol, explain the following:-
i. HDLC frame format.
ii. Different HDLC frames.
iii. Data transfer modes.
iv. Balanced and unbalanced configurations.
v. Importance of P/F bit.
vi. "Polling" Technique and ?Select? routine.
vii. Flow control and error control commands.
10 M
4 (b) Sketch the appropriate HDLC frames for the following cenario involving primary station 'A' and two Secondary station B and C.
(i) Primary station 'A' wishes to establish a Normal Respose mode-link with secondary station B and C.
(ii) Both the station B and C, send psitive acknowledgements to A.
(iii) Station 'A' sends a polling command to 'B' and 'B' sends 3 data frames. A sends a positive-Ack to indicates the receipt of error-free data frames.
(iv) Station 'A' sends a 'Select' command to 'C'. When 'C' responds with 'ready' response , 'A' sends 3 data frames to C and C sends positive Ack to indicate the receipt of error-free data frames.
(v) What is the Piggybacking ? Give an example of piggybacked frame.
10 M

5 (a) What is meant by 'blocking' in space-div -switching ?
(i) Derive the condition required to make 3-stage space-div-switch to be a non-blocking switch. (4m)
(ii) Sketch a 3 stage space-div-switch and TST switch with N=16, n=4 and K=3. (6m)
(iii) Show how blocking occurs in the above 3 stage space-div-switch diagram. (2m)
12 M
5 (b) Draw a diagram of packet-switched network and explain how virtual -circuit packet switching works. And compare circuit-switching, datagram switching and virtual circuit packet switching.
8 M

6 (a) Apply Dijkstra's and Bellman ford Routing algorithms to the given network and find the least cost path from source node-1 to all the nodes.
12 M
6 (b) Explain LAN protocol architecture with IEEE 802 reference. Sketch the general MAC frame format and LLC PDU structure. Explain the functions of different fields.
8 M

7 (a) Explain the functions of different connecting devices Routers, bridges, Repeaters and Switches.
8 M
7 (b) Write short notes:
ii. Congestion control Techniques.
iii. Spanning tree algorithm
iv. Token re-insertion strategies.
v. Routing strategies for Packet switching.
12 M

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