GTU Mechanical Engineering (Semester 6)
Computer Aided Design
June 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Write down differences between
i) Raster Scan and Vector Scan Displays
ii) Analytic curves and Synthetic curves
4 M
1 (b) Identify the pixel locations that will be chosen by the DDA algorithm while scan converting a line from screen coordinate (10, 30) to (19, 36).
5 M
1 (c) A triangle ABC having coordinates A(15, 15), B(25, 25) and C(15, 35) is rotated by 30° clockwise about the vertex B. Determine the new vertex positions after rotation.
5 M

2 (a) A Bezier curve is to be constructed using control points P 0 (35, 30), P 1 (25, 0), P 2 (15, 25) and P 3 (5,10). The Bezier curve is anchored at P 0 and P 3. Find the equation of the Bezier curve and plot the curve for u= 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.
7 M
Answer any two question from Q2 (b) or Q2 (c)
2 (b) A rectangle ABCD having vertices A(10,15), B(25, 15), C(25, 25) and D(10, 25) is to be reflected about a line passing through points P(25, 20) and Q(10, 30). Determine the vertices of the reflected rectangle.
7 M
2 (c) A tetrahedron is defined by points A(10, 15, 20), B(30, 15, 20), C(10, 25, 20) and D(20, 20, 50). Calculate the new coordinates of the tetrahedron, if it is rotated about X axis by 60° in CCW direction followed by rotation about Y axis by 45° in CCW direction.
7 M

Answer any two question from Q3 (a), (b), (c) or Q3 (d), (e), (f)
3 (a) Write a short note on wire frame model.
4 M
3 (b) Derive from fundamentals the parametric equation for the Hermite Cubic spline. Represent the equation in matrix form.
5 M
3 (c) Develop the parametric equations for i) line ii) Circle iii) Ellipse
5 M
3 (d) Prepare the detailed specifications for a typical CAD workstation with latest hardware.
4 M
3 (e) Write short note on Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).
5 M
3 (f) Write note on Data transfer for CAD-CAM interfacing.
5 M

Answer any two question from Q4 (a), (b) or Q4 (c), (d)
4 (a) Derive the Potential Energy equation for the spring system shown in figure 1. Determine the displacements of nodes of the same using the minimum potential energy principle. Take k1=k2=40 N/mm, k3=60 N/mm, k4=90 N/mm, P2=100 N and P3=60 N.

7 M
4 (b) Determine the displacements of nodes and elemental stresses for the bar as shown in figure 2. Take: A1=400 mm2, A=500 mm2, l1=l2=200 mm, l3= 250 mm, P1=P2= 10 kN and E=200 GPa.

7 M
4 (c) Determine the displacements of nodes for the bar as shown in figure 3. Take P2=P3=20 kN, ΔT=30°C.
Use the following

Element Area (mm2) Length (mm) E (GPa) α (per oC)
1 1000 400 80 23×10-6
2 600 300 200 12×10-6
3 1000 400 80 23×10-6

7 M
4 (d) Consider the bar shown in figure 4. Determine the nodal displacement and elemental stresses. Apply boundary conditions using penalty approach. Take P = 60 kN. Use following data.

Element Area (mm2) Length (mm) E (GPa)
1 100 250 80
2 200 250 200

7 M

Answer any two question from Q5 (a), (b), (c) or Q5 (d), (e)
5 (a) Explain the steps involved in the solution of static structural problem using finite element method.
3 M
5 (b) Sketch 2D and 3D elements used in FEA with usual notations.
3 M
5 (c) Explain the following with reference to optimization:
i) Objective function
ii) Constraints
iii) Linear Programming Problem (LPP)
iv) Non-linear Programming Problem (NLPP)
8 M
5 (d) A manufacturer produces two types of machine parts, P1 and P2, using lathes and milling machines. The machining time required by each part on the lathe and the milling machine and the profit per unit of each part are given below:

If the total machining times available in a week are 500 hrs on lathe and 400 hrs on milling machines, determine the number of units of P1 and P2 to be produced per week to maximize the profit.
7 M
5 (e) An uncovered rectangular water tank with a square base is to be lined with sheet copper. If the tank is to hold 1000 litre of water, find the dimensions of the tank for minimum amount of copper. Also find the surface area of tank.
7 M

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