SPPU Information Technology (Semester 7)
Cloud Computing
December 2016
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

Solve any one question fromQ.1(a,b) and Q.2(a,b)
1(a) Explain in brief the services offered by cloud computing?
6 M
1(b) Enlist the essential charateristics of cloud computing.
2 M

2(a) Explain in brief advantages and limitations of cloud computing.
6 M
2(b) Compare Public cloud and Private cloud.
2 M

Solve any one question fromQ.3(a,b) and Q.4(a,b)
3(a) Explain the virtualization techniques in cloud computing.
6 M
3(b) Enlist features of federation types. Explain any one in brief.
6 M

4(a) Discuss in brief following basic principles of cloud computing
i) Federation
ii) Independence
iii) elasticity
6 M
4(b) Comapare KVM,Xen and HyperV.
6 M

Solve any one question fromQ.5(a,b) and Q.6(a,b)
5(a) Describe in brief 'Operating System Security'.
8 M
5(b) Enlist & describe security risks posed by shared images.
8 M

6(a) Discuss the top security concerns for cloud users.
8 M
6(b) Discuss two ways of determing trust.
8 M

Solve any one question fromQ.7(a,b) and Q.8(a,b)
7(a) Explain Google App Engine with diagram.
8 M
7(b) Write short note on 'Open Nebulla'.
8 M

8(a) Explain the storage services offered by Amazon EC2 cloud.
8 M
8(b) State and explain any two cloud computing applications.
8 M

Solve any one question fromQ.9(a,b) and Q.10(a,b)
9(a) Describe Context Aware operational life cycle.
10 M
9(b) Discuss any four common myths about ubiquitous computing.
8 M

10(a) Describe methods to acquire user Inputs related to human centered design.
8 M
10(b) Explain the following service architectural models:
i) Multi tier client service model
ii) Service orinted computing model.
10 M

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