Write short note on Thermodynamic equilibrium
5 M
Write short notes on Gibbs Duhem Equation.
5 M
Explain Vandervaal's equation.
5 M
Explain properties of refrigerants.
5 M
For binary solution the activity coefficient of component is lnγ1=Ax22 where A is constant. x2 is mole fraction of component 2. Obtain an expression for activity coefficient of component 2 in the same solution.
7 M
What azeotropic? What is the effect of pressure on the azeotropic composition?
6 M
Derive the relationship between the mole fraction of the components taking part in the reaction and the extent of the reaction.
7 M
Show that the fugacity of a gas obeying the vanderwaal's equation of state is given by: ln f=bv−b−2aRTV+lnRTV−b
10 M
Describe the procedure to find the partial molar properties using the graphical method.
10 M
A gas mixture containing 25% CO, 55% H2 and 20% inert gas is to be used for methanol synthesis. The gases issue from the catalyst chamber in chemical equilibrium with respect to the reaction: CO(g)+2H2(g)→CH3OH(g) at pressure of 300 bar and temperature of 625K. Assume that the equilibrium mixture forms an ideal solution and kΡ and kΦ are 4.9 × 10-3 and 0.35 respectively. What is the percent conversion of CO?
10 M
For a binary system of components A and B the activity coefficient are given by the relation lnγ1=0.976xB2. The vapor phase data in bars are given by lnp0A=9.7321−2866.6t+217.88;lnp0A=12.0586−3667.7t+226.18 is in °C. Does this system form an azeotropic at 71.7°C? If so at what composition?
10 M
A vapor compression refrigeration unit using Freon-12 operates between 151kpa and 746.6kpa. The fluid leaving the evaporator is saturated vapor and leaves the condenser at 303k. Calculate: (i) Refrigeration effect. (ii) Power required. (iii) COP. (iv) mass flow of refrigerant for refrigeration capacity of 4 Tons of refrigeration. Properties of Freon-12:
Cp=0.74 KJ/kgK
Cp=0.74 KJ/kgK
pskpa | Ts °k | Vsm3/kg | HLkJ/kg | HVkJ/kg | Entropy kJ/kg°k |
151 | 253 | 0.1093 | 17.81 | 179.63 | 0.7123 |
746.6 | 303 | 0.0236 | 64.77 | 201.10 | 0.6903 |
12 M
What is standard heat of reaction and derive an expression for effect of temperature on standard heat of reaction?
8 M
Attempt the following questions :
Explain vapor absorption refrigeration cycle with neat sketch
10 M
Explain various methods to determine thermodynamic critical properties with appropriate equations.
10 M
More question papers from Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics - 2