MU Civil Engineering (Semester 5)
Building Design and Drawing - 2
December 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 It is proposed to construct a High School Building in a District place as (G-v-l) R.C.C. framed structure with the following facilities:-
(i) No. of Class Rooms = 16 no. (each having 75 sq. m. carpet area).
(ii) No. of Labs = 3 no. (60 sq. m. each)
(iii) No. of Drawing Rooms = 3 no. (60 sq. m. each)
(iv) Computer Room = 75 sq. m.
(v) Principal's Room = 60 sq. m.
(vi) Office = 75 sq. m.
(vii) Library-cum-Reading Room = 75 sq. m.
(viii) Gymkhana = 100 sq. m.
(ix) Canteen = 60 sq. m.
(x) Indoor Games = 100 sq. m.
Assume Floor to Floor height as 3.6m. Provide adequate passages, staircases, Toilets/ Sanitary units as per the bye-laws.
Draw the following according to some suitable scale.
20 M

2 Draw the sectional Elevation for the building you have planned in Q No.1
20 M

3 Draw the TWO - POINT PERSPECTIVE for the building you have planned in Q. No. 1. Assume the Eye-level! at 2.0 m. from Ground Level.
20 M

4 (a) Draw the ONE - POINT PERSPECTIVE for a WORKSHOP with the following 15 data
SIZE OF WORK-SHOP = 25 m.× 12m
. Height of workshop = 4.5 m.
(Excluding pitched roof)
Eye-level from Ground Level = 2.0 m.
Plinth Level = 0.6 m.
15 M
4 (b) Write notes on 'GREEN BUILDING'' concept.
5 M

5 (a) Draw the detailed foundation plan and section of one footing to the building you have planned in Q. No. 1.
10 M
Write detailed notes on the following
5 (b) i) Principles of Modular Planning.
5 M
5 (b) ii) Massing and compostion.
5 M

6 (a) Explain in detail about the principles of planning of Hospital Building, alongwith facilities, area of room, size of rooms etc.
10 M
6 (b) Draw the TWO - POINT PERSPECTIVE with the following details :
Size of Dining Hall = 20 m × 15 m.
Floor - Floor Height = 3.6 m.
Plinth Height = 0.6 m.
Provide doors, windows, Chajja projections etc.
Assume Eye-Level at 10.0 m. above the Ground Level.
10 M

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