RGPV First Year Engineering (Set B) (Semester 1)
Basic Computer Engg.
May 2014
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) Which is the fastest accessible memory? What it is made-up of.
2 M
1 (b) Distinguish between remote sensing and GIS.
2 M
1 (c) Explain 16-bit instruction format.
3 M
Answer any one question from Q1.(d) & Q1.(e)
1 (d) What is operating system? Explain the functions of operating system as resource manager.
7 M
1 (e) Distinguish between toolkit and software package. Explain the four most important components of MS-Office.
7 M

2 (a) Define an Algorithm. Distinguish between algorithm and flowchart.
2 M
2 (b) Distinguish between procedural programming and object oriented programming.
2 M
2 (c) Explain and illustrate function overloading.
3 M
Answer any one question from Q2.(d) & Q2.(e)
2 (d) Explain classification of programming languages with special emphasis of High Level Programming Languages
7 M
2 (e) Explain various data types in C++.
7 M

3 (a) Distinguish between type casting and automatic type conversion.
2 M
3 (b) Explain the concept of function prototyping.
2 M
3 (c) What are friend functions? Explain their characteristics with suitable example.
3 M
3 (c) What is data structure? Why these structures are required. Explain and illustrate four basic data structures.
7 M
Answer any one question from Q3.(d) & Q3.(e)
3 (d) What is inheritance? Explain and illustrate various types of inheritance.
7 M

4 (a) What is protocol? How it differs from program.
2 M
4 (b) Distinguish between DOS (Denial Of Service) and spoofing
2 M
4 (c) What is firewall? Explain with the help of block diagram.
3 M
Answer any one question from Q4.(d) & Q4.(e)
4 (d) Explain TCP / IP protocol suite with the help of suitable block diagram.
7 M
4 (e) What is the function of Network layer? Explain various routing protocols. Distinguish between hub, switch and bridge.
7 M

5 (a) What is database? How it differs from data file.
2 M
5 (b) Distinguish between primary key and candidate key with the help of an example.
2 M
5 (c) What is cloud computing? Explain the pros and cons of cloud computing.
3 M
Answer any one question from Q5.(d) & Q5.(e)
5 (d) What are the functions of DBA? Explain the architecture of Database system.
7 M
5 (e) Explain cloud infrastructure. Give various cloud deployment models.
7 M

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