RGPV First Year Engineering (Set A) (Semester 2)
Basic Computer Engg.
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1(a) What is MS Excel?
2 M
1(b) List the different types of CPU registers
2 M
1(c) Why is the process control block needed?
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.1(d) &Q.1(e)
1(d) Write the difference between a Volatile memory and a Non-Volatile memory.
7 M
1(e) What do you understand by the instruction set? What is the step taken by the CPU to execute the instruction?
7 M

2(a) What is Array?
2 M
2(b) What is Programming Language?
2 M
2(c) Explain the various kinds of looping statements in C++.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.2(d) &Q.2(e)
2(d) What are the salient features of Object Oriented Programming? Explain.
7 M
2(e) What is flowchart? Explain different Symbols used in Flowcharts.
7 M

3(a) Define data hiding and encapsulation.
2 M
3(b) What is inheritance?
2 M
3(c) Write the difference between stacks and queues.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.3(d) &Q.3(e)
3(d) How the operator overloading is done by using friend function? Explain with example.
7 M
3(e) What is constructor? What does it do? Write and explain about different types of constructors with suitable examples.
7 M

4(a) Define computer networking.
2 M
4(b) Define viruses, worms and malware.
2 M
4(c) What are the goals and application of computer network? Explain.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.4(d) &Q.4(e)
4(d) What is E-commerce? What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce?
7 M
4(e) Differentiate between TCP and IP
7 M

5(a) What is DBA?
2 M
5(b) Define Primary Key.
2 M
5(c) Explain the terms Cloud infrastructure.
3 M
Solve any one question from Q.5(d) &Q.5(e)
5(d) What is Data Dictionary? What types of information is stored in Data Dictionary
7 M
5(e) Write the advantages of Database Management System.
7 M

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