VTU Electronics and Communication Engineering (Semester 7)
Artificial Neural Network
December 2015
Total marks: --
Total time: --
(1) Assume appropriate data and state your reasons
(2) Marks are given to the right of every question
(3) Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary

1 (a) What is neural learning? Draw and explain the general neuron model.
8 M
1 (b) Briefly discuss how neural networks are used for vector quantization and function approximation.
12 M

2 (a) What is the approximate choice for the learning rate η in perceptron training algorithm?
5 M
2 (b) What is the goal of the pocket algorithm? Explain with the help of the algorithm.
10 M
2 (c) What is the termination criterion in perceptron training algorithm, if the given samples are not linearly separable?
5 M

3 (a) What is back propagation? Explain the back propagation training algorithm with the help of a one-hidden layer feed forward network.
12 M
3 (b) Explain the effect of momentum terms and number of samples used for training in back propagation algorithm.
8 M

4 (a) Explain how the quickprop algorithm can be used to accelerate the learning process.
8 M
4 (b) Briefly explain the network pruning algorithm.
4 M
4 (b) Differentiate between the supervised and unsupervised methods of training.
8 M

5 (a) Discuss briefly the two networks used for prediction problems.
12 M
5 (b) Write the simple competitive learning algorithm for winner - take all networks and explain.
8 M

6 (a) Explain the architecture of full counter propagation neural network with a neat diagram.
8 M
6 (b) Explain how an unsupervised learning mechanism can be adopted to solve supervised learning tasks with the help of linear vector quantization (LVQ) algorithm.
12 M

7 (a) What are Hopfield networks? Explain discrete Hopfield networks in detail.
6 M
7 (b) What is simulated annealing? Briefly explain move - generation and move - acceptance.
8 M
7 (c) Explain how bidirectional associative memory (BAM) can be used as hetero-associative memory.
6 M

8 (a) Explain optimization using Hopfield networks for solving simultaneous linear equations.
8 M
8 (b) Write the algorithm for generic evolutionary computation and explain termination criterion and initialization with respect to evolutionary algorithm.
12 M

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